Farah Khan Turns Travel Vlogger, Here's What She Devoured On Her Trip


Farah Khan turned into an enthusiastic travel blogger on her recent Thailand vacation, where she documented all the delicious food she devoured.

Farah Khan Turns Travel Vlogger, Here's What She Devoured On Her Trip
Farah Khan took to Instagram to share a video of her foodie indulgences.


  • Farah Khan is on a travel spree in Thailand
  • She documented her sojourns in the form of a vlog
  • Take a look at the foodie indulgences she enjoyed

Vacations are all about spending quality time in the presence of near and dear ones. On the other hand, they are also about capturing beautiful views and idyllic vacation spots that are worthy of the 'gram. Filmmaker and choreographer Farah Khan recently visited Thailand with her triplets and husband Shirish Kunder. They had a gala time in the Koh Samui islands as well as Bangkok. Farah Khan documented several snippets of their vacation in the form of a travel vlog. The funny clips were not just hilarious to watch but also featured several delicious foodie indulgences by the director. Take a look:

(Also Read: Farah Khan Calls Karan Johar's Breakfast "Designer" As He Enjoys This Dish)

"Crab feast is a must," wrote Farah Khan in the caption of the video. In the clip, she was showing us different kinds of crabs or 'Khekda' that were on offer at the crab festival in her Bangkok hotel. She further added that they would devour the crabs for dinner that night. There were also some wonderful Indian food options for those who didn't like crabs!

"This is the series I didn't know I needed in my life. But I do," wrote celebrity Rhea Kapoor in the comments of Farah Khan's videos while Seema Sajdeh asked, "Get me khekda!" Another fan gushed, "Farah start a YouTube channel... making every other vlogger run for their money!"

This is not the only video that Farah Khan shared from her Thailand vacation. She also had a clip in which a chef was teaching her to make fresh spring rolls. The results, though, were quite hilarious. "When the chef personally comes to your room to make you spring rolls.. Mine became Shawarmas," she wrote in the caption.


Take a look:

We can't wait to see what food Farah Khan will try on her travels next! What did you think of the delicious food shared by the 'travel vlogger' on Instagram? Tell us in the comments.

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