After over a decade, Genelia D'Souza has made a captivating comeback to the Bollywood industry with her latest release, Trial Period. She recently also made her debut in Marathi cinema with Ved. Alongside her acting endeavours, the actress ensures to keep her fans engaged through her captivating Instagram Stories. In her recent story, she exuded oh-so-relatable vibes by sharing her love for ghar ka khana [home-cooked food]. The diva showcased her lunch, consisting of chapatis paired with a delectable bhurji (a scrambled dish). Our guess is it could be paneer bhurji or soya bhurji. There was also another bowl with some kind of sabzi in it. Giving a shout-out to her own movie, Genelia wrote, "Simple lunch and a reminder of Trial Period."
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Genelia's lunch left our taste buds yearning for the goodness of paneer. If you're eager to savour paneer for your next meal, we have a selection of paneer recipes that you can easily recreate in your own kitchen:
1. Kadhai Paneer:
A flavourful North Indian dish that features paneer cooked in a rich tomato-based gravy, with a hint of smokiness from the kadhai cooking technique. Click here for the recipe.
2. Shahi Paneer:
Tender paneer cubes are simmered in tomato and cashew-based gravy. The rich and velvety texture, along with the balanced blend of flavours, makes it a favourite among paneer lovers and a staple in restaurants in many parts of the country. Find the recipe here.
3. Paneer Butter Masala:
This dish combines succulent paneer cubes with a velvety sauce made from cashews, cream, and a blend of fragrant spices, resulting in a treat fit for royalty and a delight to the taste buds. Want an easy recipe? Click here.
4. Nawabi Paneer:
A lip-smacking delicacy that embodies the essence of Nawabi cuisine. This dish features paneer with a blend of aromatic spices and nuts, creating a truly luxurious and indulgent dining experience. Detailed recipe here.
5. Pepper Paneer:
A spicy and flavourful dish that is perfect for any kind of party. The paneer is marinated and cooked with a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper, creating an amazing fusion of flavours. Get the recipe by clicking here.
What is your favourite paneer dish? Tell us in the comment section below.
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