Ever since the popular actor-couple Kishwer Merchant and Suyyash Rai announced their pregnancy last month in March 2021, their Instagram accounts are buzzing with fun pregnancy-related posts. Whether it's Kishwer giving in to her pregnancy cravings or the couple talking about their future, the fans are getting a sneak-peek into their all-new life. Just when we thought the two couldn't get any cuter, there comes along another 'aww-worthy' update from the duo and we can't help but love them even more.
Suyyash Rai recently donned the chef's hat and cooked (or tried to cook) a yummy treat to please his pregnant wife. He went all the way to have his mother guide him through a video call to make the traditional Indian dessert of rice and milk-based kheer. Both Suyyash and Kishwer posted videos of the cooking adventure from their kitchen.
Take a look -
(Also Read: Watch: Tamannaah Bhatia Joins #DontRush Challenge, Gives It Yummy Spin)
When Kishwer asked Suyyash who he was making the kheer for, he innocently dodged admitting that he was making it for her and instead said he was making it for his and her to-be-born child. The couple also indulged in a friendly fistfight in the kitchen and Kishwer recorded it all and posted it on her Instagram story.
Looks like Kishwer Merchant is making the most of her pregnancy to fulfil her foodie indulgences. She was recently seen enjoying a plate of delicious breakfast meal on a bathtub that made her fans go 'aww'.
We wish to see more of Kishwer Merchant and Suyyash Rai's adorable pregnancy life glimpses.