There is so much variety of video content available on social media. From cooking videos to DIY hacks, you'll find everything at your fingertips with the touch of a button. But there's one kind of content that somehow manages to invoke emotions within us, that is, random acts of kindness. We often come across these incredibly generous gestures by citizens that inspire us to do and give more. Recently, a video surfaced on Twitter that showed one such awe-inspiring kind deed. A woman offered to buy lunch for a stranger, and what he did in return will surprise you. Take a look:
The video was shared on Twitter by user @chris_notcapn, and was originally shot by influencer Isaiah Garza from Los Angeles. The clip received 357k views and 12.2 k likes since the time it was shared.
In the 43-second clip, we can see a lady shopping for groceries. Isaiah says in the voiceover that he forgot his wallet at home and requested her to buy a 'lunchable'. She quickly agreed, much to the man's surprise. The lady herself was in for a surprise when he said, "I have to tell you something. All your groceries are free today. We're buying all your groceries! The fact that you were so kind to offer to buy me lunch, we're doing something where we're buying people's groceries today." The woman was shocked at how her act of kindness got her entire grocery order to be absolutely free. "So whatever you want, anything you want, it's paid for," he added.
(Also Read: Kind Patron Leaves $200 Tip For Each Of 7 Restaurant Employees)
The lady got all her groceries for free after she agreed to buy lunch.
The lady burst into tears on hearing this. According to the video, she had recently lost her mother and was quite emotionally upset. They even surprised her with flowers when she went outside, to which she exclaimed, "This is crazy!"
Twitter users were touched to see how such a simple kind deed could win somebody over and make their day. Several of them appreciated the random act of kindness and how such a small gesture like buying someone's lunch could actually be rewarded in such a huge way.
Take a look at some of the reactions:
(Also Read: Restaurant Staff Help Specially-Abled Man Eat Lunch. Sweet Video Will Make Your Day)
What did you think of the act of kindness? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.