Love Aloo Corn Cutlet? Now Make It With Less Oil In An Air Fryer


Air fryer aloo corn cutlets: Make this classic snack in a different way. Enjoy it for your breakfast, tea time or party.

Love Aloo Corn Cutlet? Now Make It With Less Oil In An Air Fryer
Air fryer aloo corn cutlets: Enjoy the classic snack, now with less oil


  • Aloo corn cutlet is a popular snack many of us enjoy eating
  • You can make it with less oil by using an air-fryer
  • Check out our recipe and cooking tips below

Aloo Corn Cutlet is among the most popular desi-style cutlets. This satisfying snack has innumerable variations. The appeal of aloo corn cutlet is derived from many aspects: the softness of the potatoes mixed with crunchy corn, the crispy exterior formed after frying, the irresistible combination of flavours and much more. Aloo Corn Cutlet has many pairing possibilities - you can serve it plain or with bread; you can pair it with different types of chutneys, sauces or dips. Today, we have a special recipe for Aloo Corn Cutlets that shows you how to make them healthier in an air-fryer. Before we get to the method, allow us to give you some tips to nail the recipe:
Also Read: 7 Delicious And Easy Veg Snacks You Can Make In Air-Fryer (Recipes Inside)

How Do You Make Cutlets Without Breaking Them?

Air fryer aloo corn cutlet: Use waxy potatoes for this recipe

When it comes to aloo corn cutlets, ensure you choose waxy potatoes rather than the starchy kind. The latter may just turn sticky afterwards. Also ensure that all your ingredients are as dry as possible. The corn kernels may have some natural juiciness, but take care that they are not moist. Although the recipe below does not feature onions and capsicums, note that such ingredients may also increase moisture. In this case, you may need to add more of your binding agent such as breadcrumbs/ rice flour.
Also Read: Level Up Your Cooking With Breadcrumbs: 5 Creative Ways To Use Them

How To Make Aloo Cutlet Without Breadcrumbs?

Now, this is a doubt many people have. Breadcrumbs are commonly featured in cutlet recipes, as they help bind the mixture and give it a crispy texture. You can substitute breadcrumbs with various other ingredients, depending on the type of cutlet and the consistency you're aiming for. In the recipe below, you can use 2 tbsp of lightly roasted besan in place of the breadcrumbs.

Can I Use Sooji Instead Of Breadcrumbs?

Yes, you can use sooji instead of breadcrumbs while making aloo corn cutlets. Sooji (rava or semolina) has wonderful binding properties and can also give your snack a crisper edge. In the recipe below, you can substitute the breadcrumbs with 1 cup of sooji.


How To Make Aloo Corn Cutlets In Air Fryer | Easy Air Fryer Recipe For Corn Potato Cutlets

Air fryer aloo corn cutlets: These cutlets can be ready in around 30 minutes. Photo Credit: iStock

Grind parboiled corn kernels to form a coarse mixture. Also, keep aside some of the kernels to use later. In a bowl, combine the corn with mashed potatoes, spice masalas, chillies, coriander leaves, rice flour and besan. Taste and decide if you need to add more salt. Make flattened round or oval shapes of the mixture. Place them in the air-fryer basket, brush them with oil and air-fry them until they turn golden brown on both sides. Enjoy hot!


Click here for the detailed recipe for Aloo Corn Cutlets in air fryer.

These air-fried aloo corn cutlets are the perfect choice for your breakfast, evening tea-time or a house party. Experience their yumminess for yourself and get back to us with your feedback!

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