Iceland's President Hates Pineapple on Pizza: Will it be Banned?

Iceland's President Hates Pineapple on Pizza: Will it be Banned?


  • The famous Hawaiian Pizza comprises of the cheese and tomato sause
  • The president was forced to clarify on social media
  • His love for seafood as a choice of topping for pizzas
We’ve heard of many bizarre things but this is a bit too strange. It all began last week, when an innocent young high school boy in the northern town of Akureyri in Iceland asked Mr. President Gudni Johannesson how he likes pineapple as a topping for a pizza. To which the president’s reply was a bit surprising, apparently, he hates pineapple and would ban it if he could! The famous Hawaiian Pizza comprises of the regular cheese and tomato sauce along with ham and juicy chunks of pineapple. It is believed that it was actually a Canadian creation. This combination originated back in 1962, when restaurateur Sam Panopoulos decided to mix ham with canned pineapple on his pie to see if it would taste good.
(10 Best Pizza Recipes)
His remark was quickly picked up the local media and spread like fire through papers and social media. The president later admitted that he likes pineapple just not on pizzas and he didn’t really have the authority to ban it! Immediately after the ban, the hastag #pizzagate was trending on social media and people started posting their views on the ban of pineapple on pizzas. Very soon, the president was forced to clarify on social media that he doesn’t have that kind of power to stop people from using pineapple on pizza and that’s good because he believes that a president should not have unlimited power. He also confessed his love for seafood as a choice of topping for pizzas. His statement was posted on his official Facebook page. (10 Best Seafood Recipes) 
Image Credit: Facebook/Forseti ÍslandsWhat was meant to be light-hearted banter set off an international debate causing a stir amongst the fans and dividing people regarding the merits of the Hawaiian pizza. Funnily, it proved to be one of the most controversial things said by the president who took up office last year. Mr. Gudni Johannesson is a historian and Iceland's 6th president who won the majority of votes in the 2016 election. He is also the author of the book, "The History of Iceland' and was a former history professor at the University of Iceland. Despite this controversy, the president's approval rating remains high. In fact in December 2016, Gudni who also happens to be Iceland's youngest president, has approval ratings as high as 97%. All said and done, this pineapple pizza is definitely here to stay. So, don't worry folks!
Here's how people reacted to this piece of news on Twitter.

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