Love Guavas? Here Are 5 Ways You Can Turn Them Into Delish Desserts This Winter Season


Let's dive into the magic of guava by making some delicious desserts with it.

Love Guavas? Here Are 5 Ways You Can Turn Them Into Delish Desserts This Winter Season
Guava (or amrood) is a popular winter fruit.


  • Winter is the time to relish your beloved desserts with seasonal fruits.
  • Guava (or amrood) is a popular winter fruit with a mild sweet taste.
  • Here are some ideas that can help you make guava-based desserts at home.

There's something about winters that charges up our appetite and make us want to eat delicious food all the time. Our cravings for sweet foods take off to new heights making us give in to our temptations every now and then. As the temperature dips, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep our hands off our favourite desserts. Maybe we can afford to indulge in the sweet pleasures and let the newly-gained fat hide beneath the layers of clothing on us. If you are also thinking on the same lines, then this article is for you. Winter is the time to relish your beloved desserts; and what can be better than having them made with seasonal winter fruits?

Guava (or amrood) is a popular winter fruit that is liked for its mild sweet and tantalising tarty taste, and melt-in-your-mouth pulp. They bring up nostalgic memories of all those sunny winter afternoons spent binging on guavas with family and siblings. We loved the fruit for its taste, but the real reason behind our parents giving it to us was the nutrients that the fruit has in spades. 

This winter, yet again, let's dive into the magic of this fruit by making some delicious desserts with it. Here are some ideas that can help you make guava-based desserts at home

5 Ways You Can Use Guavas To Make Desserts

1. Guava Cake

With Christmas around the corner, this would be the best time to make a cake with this delicious fruit. Make guava paste and use it to make cheesecake or vanilla cake or any other cake you desire.

(Also Read: Weight Loss Tips: 5 Tips To Include More Guava In Your Winter Diet)


Guava cake


2. Guava Pudding

Juice guava and make pudding, jelly or tart with it. Since, the pulp of this fruit is so soft, its pudding will turn out to be great winter treat.

Guava sorbet


3. Guava Yogurt

If you want to go for a healthy option, make yogurt or parfait by combining guava along with its seeds with other fruits in low-fat yogurt and enjoy it as a small meal in the evening or as a dessert after dinner.

4. Guava Bars

Make your energy bars or granola bars taste better by adding guava paste to them. The fruit will insert taste and healthfulness at the same time. Learn how to make granola bars with these easy steps. 


5. Guava Ice-Cream

Ice-cream in winters? Well, there are many people who like to eat their favourite ice-creams all year round. If you are one of those, add a dash of 'seasonal feel' to it by making guava ice-cream.

(Also Read: Diabetes Diet - This Guava Salad May Help Keep Your Sugar Under Control)


Guava ice-cream

If you love guava, you will love these desserts even more. Try each of these recipes till the winter season lasts. In fact, get creative and experimental and make your own recipes too.

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