Mint Lassi: Give Your Regular Lassi A Minty Twist With This Summer Special Recipe!


In many parts of Punjab, lassi is a breakfast staple and also a welcome drink; you would be surprised to know the umpteen ways in which you can spruce up your regular glass of lassi.

Mint Lassi: Give Your Regular Lassi A Minty Twist With This Summer Special Recipe!
Mint or pudina's ubiquity in summer is something that never fails to amaze us.


  • Mint is enriched with antioxidants
  • Lassi is a summer staple in India
  • Mint can be consumed in various ways

We share a strange love-hate relationship with summer - the sweltering heat, tanning and exhaustion can make any fine day a dreadful affair. But then there is also an array of summer drinks that can instantly uplift your mood and make it all seem worthwhile. A tall glass of lassi, for instance, has been one of our most favourite summer coolers of all time. Not only does it quench our thirst, it is so wholesome and fulfilling that you often don't need much after you have had a full glass. For the unversed, lassi is a thick and frothy drink made with yogurt, often served with a dollop of clotted cream on top. Lassi can be both sweet or salty, as per your wish.

Traditionally, yogurt was stored in earthen pots, which helped keep it cool for long. It was then stirred with water and sugar to make a chilled glass of Lassi. Nowadays, you can just take the help of blender and ice-cubes to do the trick. In many parts of Punjab, lassi is a breakfast staple and also a welcome drink; you would be surprised to know the umpteen ways in which you can spruce up your regular glass of lassi.

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There are a number of kitchen herbs that have helped us sail through the blazing weather, since time immemorial. Mint or pudina's ubiquity in summer is something that never fails to amaze us. Be it raita, chutney or lemonade, mint's zesty fresh quality not only makes these preparations more nuanced but also makes scorching heat a tad bearable. On the upside, mint is also one of the healthiest additions you can make to your diet. So what is stopping you from using the herb to give your humble lassi a refreshing upgrade?

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Here is a step-by-step recipe to make the mint lassi at home, that too with just 5 ingredients.
Try this refreshing recipe at home, and let us know how you liked it in the comments section below. If you do not wish to consume it chilled, you can rule out the ice from the recipe. We would love to hear about all other summer coolers that are helping you beat the heat. Do not forget to write to us.

(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

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