Are Superfoods Worth The Hype? Celebrity Nutritionist Pooja Makhija Answers


Pooja Makhija explained the importance of developing a healthy approach to life to reap the best benefits out of the superfoods

Are Superfoods Worth The Hype? Celebrity Nutritionist Pooja Makhija Answers
Are superfoods worth the hype?


  • Superfoods have become the most common concept in todays world.
  • Everyone consumes them without making any changes in their lifestyle.
  • Pooja Makhija decodes how to reap maximum benefits from these superfoods.

There has been a lot of buzz about ‘superfoods' of late. Blueberries, salmon, and kale are just a few of the popular ones. However, most of us overlook the value of other good practises that help us stay healthy and fit in general. Superfoods can certainly help, but they won't be able to heal the body on its own. Nutritionist Pooja Makhija reiterates the same thing in an Instagram Reels. Pooja captioned the post, “Superfood products are ubiquitous in the wellness world. Companies make millions on labelling these products as superfoods — the global superfoods market size was estimated at $137 billion in 2018.”

However, she went on to ask whether superfoods really lived up to the hype.

Pooja said that nutrition and superfood just don't do magic by themselves. They all come from the various other strong structures that are there at the bottom of the nutrition chain. Proper sleep, a good diet plan and an overall healthy lifestyle – a combination of these factors result in glowing skin, lustrous hair and better immunity.

(Also read: 5 Ayurvedic Winter Superfoods You Must Consume For Stronger Immunity)

“Remember the magic is not a superfood. It is consistency. Consistency in clean eating, exercise, de-stressing methods and sleep - together this is what increases your health and longevity and results in absence of diseases,” Pooja added in the caption.


Take a look:

(Also read: Olive Oil Vs Coconut Oil: Which Is Better? Celeb Nutritionist Pooja Makhija Reveals)


Pooja Makhija often shares important food tips for her followers. Some time ago, she shared a post on coconut oil and olive oil. Pooja stated that coconut oil had significant quantities of saturated fats or medium-chain triglycerides. On the other hand, olive oil was extracted from the liquid fat in olives. Thus, it contained monounsaturated fats that are good for the heart. Now, which was better? Well, she answered, “Both are good but in moderation. Just because they are healthy, don't over-indulge in them.” Read more about it here.

Pooja Makhija had earlier shared tips for avoiding sugar cravings. Sugar cravings were a result of protein deficiency in the body, she noted. Basically, whenever people craved something sweet, their bodies were requesting protein. So, according to her, the easiest way to cope with this was to eat enough protein every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Find out the tips here.


So, which of these tips by Pooja Makhija were most helpful?

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