4 Unusual Ways to Help Lose Weight

4 Unusual Ways to Help Lose Weight
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Sucking in your stomach hoping it will disappear? Dying to fit into your favourite pair of jeans again? Desperately hoping you can pull off your swimsuit this summer? The only answer to your prayers (which you already know) is exercise. But if you're sick of hearing that exercising and eating smaller portions are the key to weight loss, fret not.We've put together four unusual ways that will surprisingly help you lose weight -1. Play an instrumentPlaying the recorder while sitting on a chair won't do the trick, but rehearsing, playing and performing in front of an audience while standing for hours will definitely give your legs a workout. Carrying your kit from one gig to another and playing your instrument will work your arms. Go on, find yourself an instrument. (How about the double-bass?)
2. Sniff an apple
Dr Alan R. Hirsch, Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, carried out a study with 3000 volunteers and found that the more frequently people sniffed, the less hungry they were and the more weight they lost - an average of 30 pounds each. Some believe that sniffing food tricks the brain into thinking that you're actually eating it. But even if you don't buy that, there's no harm in trying.

3. Clean the houseDid you know that you can burn up to 500 calories via regular house and garden maintenance chores? By cleaning the windows, mopping the floor and de-cluttering, you are actually losing weight. You can even add a bit of dancing while preparing dinner and squatting whilst washing up to reap the benefits.

4. Hang a mirror
Eating in front of mirrors cut down the way people ate by nearly one-third, according to a study. It seems that having to look at yourself reflects back some of your own inner goals, reminding you why you want to lose weight in the first place.Powered by BodyPowerDisclaimer:The opinions expressed within this article are the opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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