Coffee For a Healthy Heart: 3-5 cups a Day May Cut Risk of Heart Disease

Coffee For a Healthy Heart: 3-5 cups a Day May Cut Risk of Heart Disease
Coffee is known to have various benefits including keeping up the energy levels, helping in burning fat and is a good source of antioxidants. A research published by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) has shown that drinking three to five cups of coffee per day could cut an individual’s cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality risk by upto 21 percent.
(Coffee Can Increase Physical, Mental Performance)"It is important to acknowledge factors which might have a protective effect against CVD mortality. Moderate coffee consumption could play a significant role in reducing CVD mortality risk, which would impact health outcomes and healthcare spending across Europe," said professor Doutor AntAnio Vaz Carneiro of the Faculdade de Medicine da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.(Coffee Reduces Risk of Heart Failure)The report highlights the role of lifestyle factors in CVD mortality risk reduction, the epidemiological evidence on coffee and CVD mortality. It has been highlighted that half the CVD cases in women could be avoided by modifying lifestyle choices, as approximately 73 percent of coronary heart disease cases and 46 percent of cardiovascular disease cases are attributable to an unhealthy lifestyle.
(Should You Really Give Up Chocolate and Coffee?)The lowest CVD mortality risk was seen at an intake of approximately three cups of coffee per day, with a percentage risk reduction of up to 21 percent. Drinking three to four cups of coffee per day is also linked with an approximate 25 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to consuming none or less than two cups per day. People with diabetes typically have a higher CVD mortality risk, therefore this association may be linked to a decreased CVD risk.(Coffee may cut diabetes: new study)
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