Kadha For Monsoon: Fight Infections With Natural Ingredients This Rainy Season


Kadha is herbal drink, wherein several herbs and spices are boiled in water for a long time in order to extract all their goodness to make a drink

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Kadha For Monsoon: Fight Infections With Natural Ingredients This Rainy Season


  • Monsoon is the season that can make us prone to several infections
  • Kadha uses various kitchen ingredients like cardamom, cloves, jeera, etc
  • Kashaya is an ayurvedic drink that works as a decongestant
Indian households are stacked with various spices and herbs that are used in everyday cooking, and in some cases, they are used to make several decoctions, which help improve overall health. Monsoon has made its way to most parts of the country and has brought along gruelling humidity with it. During the rainy season, infections, cold and fever are bound to make you suffer; thanks to the weakened immunity. Thank heavens for these spices and herbs that come to our rescue in the form of kadha or herbal decoction that enables our body to fight infections and keep us healthy. Kadha is herbal drink, wherein several herbs and spices are boiled in water for a long time in order to extract all their goodness to make a drink. The choice of herbs, however, depends on the ailment you are suffering from. While the taste of kadha doesn't really please taste buds, it surely comes handy, especially during monsoon season.According to Ayurvedic expert at Nirog Street, Dr. Ram N Kumar, "Monsoon is the season that can make us prone to several infections. Ayurveda and its special Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) guidelines can help us stay healthy through the change of seasons. In the rainy months, wherein fatal diseases like dengue and swine flu spread easily, a kadha (ayurvedic drink prepared with special herbs) can be an effective immunity measure to keep away several health problems." Kadha uses various kitchen ingredients like cardamom, cloves, jeera, ginger, liquorice, tulsi, honey and jaggery among others.
(Also Read: What Is Kadha And How To Make It At Home?)

Monsoon is the season that can make us prone to several infections

Here are two amazing monsoon special kadhas as suggested by Dr. Kumar that you could bring to your rescue using kitchen spices and herbs and keep healthy.
  • Giloy Kadha: It is herbal drink made with giloy (Guduchi/Tinospora cordifolia), which has an inherent property to cure all types of fever. Giloy Kadha boosts immunity and helps increase the platelets too.
  • Tulsi-Giloy Kadha:Tulsi (basil) and giloy are a wonderful combination for preparing a special ayurvedic concoction for boosting immunity, especially to prevent fever and cold. This Kadha is beneficial even in the cases where fever keeps reoccurring.
(Also Read: Monsoon Health Guide: Simple Home Remedies To Take Care Of Your Hair)

Amazing kadhas to beat the monsoon woesTulsi And Black Pepper Kadha Recipe

  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp black pepper, coarsely crushed
  • 1 tsp finely chopped ginger
  • 1 tsp desi ghee
  • One to two cloves
  • A few tulsi leaves
  1. Heat ghee in saucepan; add the cloves, black pepper, ginger and tulsi.
  2. Once the crackling of the spices stop, add water and sugar.
  3. Cook the mixture on a medium flame for 15-20 minutes, do not forget to give an occasional stir.
  4. Add some tulsi leaves and cook for another two minutes.
  5. Have the kadha while it is hot, at least twice a day to reap the maximum benefits.
(Also Read: Home Remedies For Skincare During Monsoon)

Know how to make kadha at home

Kashaya Kadha
Kashaya is an ayurvedic drink that works as a decongestant and helps clear sinuses during monsoon. Its anti-bacterial properties boost immunity. Here's what you need to do.Ingredients:Method:
  1. Take some roasted coriander, cumin and fennel seeds along with some black peppercorn seeds.
  2. Grind these spices to a fine powder and store in an air tight container.
  3. To make a brew, boil a glass of water and add one teaspoon of the spice powder or Kashaya powder along with a dash of jaggery to it.
  4. Strain and drink it.
Culinary Expert and Food Blogger Chef Reetu Uday Kugaji shared three amazing kadha recipes that you could bring into use: 
Fenugreek and Turmeric Kadha
  • Preparation Time: 05 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 15 minutes
  • Serves: 01
Ingredients and Quantity:
  • Powdered Fenugreek- half tsp.
  • Turmeric- half tsp.
  • Milk- 01 cup
  1. Boil milk, let it reduce a little, switch off the flame and keep aside till it becomes warm.
  2. Add the fenugreek and turmeric powders to it.
  3. Drink this to control your blood sugar levels.

Fenugreek seeds are rich in folic acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin K and Vitamin C.

Holy Basil and Clove Kadha
  • Preparation Time: 05 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 20 minutes
  • Serves: 01
Ingredients and Quantity:
  • Holy Basil leaves- 10 nos.
  • Cloves- 05 nos.
  • Water- 1.5 cups
  1. Boil water along with Holy basil and cloves and let it reduce to half.
  2. Let it become warm. Consume it 02 times a day with a pinch of rock salt added to it, if desired.

Holy basil and clove kadha

Ginger, Lemon and Honey Kadha
  • Preparation Time: 05 minutes
  • Serves: 01
Ingredients and Quantity:
  • Ginger juice- 01 tbsp.
  • Honey- 01 tbsp.
  • Lemon Juice -1/2 tbsp.
  1. Add honey and lemon juice to the ginger juice in a glass bowl and stir well till the honey is dissolved completely.
  2. You may have this kadha once a day with warm water on an empty stomach to boost your immune system.
Chef Tips: Increase the quantities of ingredients and you may store this kadha refrigerated in an airtight jar for about 02 weeks and use as needed.Bring these kadhas to your rescue this monsoon and ensure a healthy you. Happy Monsoons!
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