World Osteoporosis Day: 5 Vitamin D And Calcium-Rich Foods For Stronger Bones


The purpose of World Osteoporosis Day is to spread awareness about the condition. It is celebrated every year on 20th October.

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World Osteoporosis Day: 5 Vitamin D And Calcium-Rich Foods For Stronger Bones
Calcim helps regulate bone density


  • Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones are too brittle or weak
  • It is mostly common among older individuals
  • Calcium helps strengthen bones

Osteoporosis is a condition common among the elderly. It is characterised by weak bones and persistent aches. In this condition your bones become weak or brittle and your daily routine is hampered as well. Something as simple of coughing or bending over could trigger pain. If left unmanaged, Osteoporosis could even lead to fractures that may take too long to heal. The purpose of World Osteoporosis Day is to spread awareness about the condition. It is celebrated every year on 20th October. Along with proper medication and care, people with Osteoporosis should also ensure that their diet is enriched with calcium and vitamin D.

Here Is A List Of Food Rich In Vitamin D And Calcium:

1. Milk
Milk and milk products like cheese, paneer, ghee can do wonders to fortify our bones because of their calcium and vitamin D content. Calcium found in milk helps increase bone density.

(Also Read: Cow Milk Or Buffalo Milk - Which One Is Better? An Expert Opinion)

Milk and dairy products are a good source of calcium
Photo Credit: iStock

2. Fish
Fish like salmon and trout are also a decent source of both calcium and vitamin D. A hearty fish broth could be a good start. Here are some fish recipes you can try. 


Fatty fishes are loaded with healthy fats beneficial for your heart health as well
Photo Credit: iStock

3. Tofu
Tofu or other soya-based foods that are fortified with calcium may also be a good idea to add to your diet for strong and healthy bones. It's a good thing that tofu is so versatile too. Click here for tofu recipes. 

Tofu is a derivative of soya milk

4. Broccoli
In addition to heart-healthy fibres, iron and folate, broccoli  is also a good source of calcium. According to USDA, 100 grams of broccoli has about 87 mg of calcium.


Broccoli helps regulate calcium levels
Photo Credit: iStock

5. Figs
Figs (or anjeer)  is one of the best sources of calcium around and it is no secret anymore. It is said that one serving of figs provide 10 percent of the daily recommended amount. "calcium is important in promoting the health and growth of bones. The potassium content of figs also helps reduce calcium lose through urine, meaning the body is able to absorb more calcium," notes the book 'Healing Foods'.


Figs are a hit among both kids and adults for its delicious taste
Photo Credit: iStock

Include these foods in your diet and keep your bones strong. But always consult your doctor before you include anything new in your diet.


(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

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