Karisma And Kareena Kapoor Ditch 2022 Diet Plans With This Yummy Dessert


Karisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor enjoyed the first Monday of 2022 with a yummy dessert. Here's all you need to know!

Karisma And Kareena Kapoor Ditch 2022 Diet Plans With This Yummy Dessert


  • Kareena and Karisma Kapoor are both big foodies
  • On Monday, they indulged in a delicious and classic dessert
  • Take a look at what they ditched their diet plans with

New Year 2022 has begun, bringing with it a whole range of possibilities and promises. Quite a few of us plan to get fitter and eat healthy as the year begins. We promise to cut down on junk food and eat more leafy greens, fruits and vegetables as part of our New Year resolutions. However, even the most well-thought-of healthy eating plans can go awry in a matter of minutes. It is more likely that we end up bingeing on comfort foods and delicious desserts instead! Turns out even Karisma and Kareena Kapoor gave up trying to eat healthy in New Year 2022 and ditched their diet plans with a yummy dessert. Take a look:

"Continuing the healthy Monday," wrote Karisma Kapoor in the caption of her Instagram post. She also used the hashtags, #sistergoals #strawberriesandcream#its2022 #dowhaturheartdesires #lololoves. In the click, both Karisma and Kareena Kapoor can be seen enjoying the amazing yet simple dessert - strawberries and cream.

This classic combination is popularly served at Wimbledon matches and actually dates back to a British court tradition several centuries old. The idea behind the post was to let go of healthy eating resolutions for 2022 and just 'do what your heart desires, which in the case of the Kapoor sisters, was to indulge in this yummy treat!

We loved the honest and relatable confession by Karisma and Kareena Kapoor. Strawberries and cream weren't the only treats that they devoured on New Year 2022. Kareena Kapoor posted a picture on her Instagram profile where she could be seen devouring a yummy croissant. The tasty treat indeed got our mouths watering. Take a look:

(Also Read: Not Pickles, This Is What Kareena Kapoor Khan Craved The Most During Pregnancy)


"It was supposed to be an eat healthy first Monday of the year and blah blah but...it's a croissant so just go for it ...#do what your heart desires...#its 2022 #make the most of it," wrote Kareena Kapoor in the caption. The sentiment of following the heart was evident even in Kareena's post! Both the sisters are huge foodies and we have seen proof of the same, several times in the past as well. Karisma Kapoor, in fact, had recently posted a picture of herself relishing some aromatic and flavourful Biryani. Take a look:

"I don't do boyfriends...I do biryani,#lololoves," read the caption to her post. We surely enjoyed how Karisma and Kareena Kapoor gave in to their cravings and indulged their hearts out on New Year 2022! What did you think of their foodie posts? Tell us in the comments.

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