Not Just Resumes, This Australian Man Recruits People On The Basis Of 'Coffee Test'


The way you drink coffee can impact your impression in a job interview! As per recent reports, an Australian executive designed an interesting 'coffee test' for prospective employees.

Not Just Resumes, This Australian Man Recruits People On The Basis Of 'Coffee Test'
An Australian man recruited people on the basis of an interesting 'coffee test'.


  • Coffee is a beverage loved all over the world
  • A recruiter thought of using coffee as a means of judging a person
  • Here's what he revealed in an interview on a podcast

Looking for a new job and giving interviews can be a daunting task. We put our best foot forward and show up to meet our new employers, hoping and praying that everything goes well and we get the coveted job of our dreams. But what is it that our prospective employers are looking for when they seek to hire us? For some, it could be factors like work experience or skills. But for this Australian man, the deal-breaker is none other than the coffee you drink during the interview! Believe it or not, an Australian MD has made this startling revelation as per recent reports.

(Also Read: What Does Your Coffee Reveal About Your Personality? Expert Decodes)

Apart from knowledge and skills, this recruiter also paid attention to the coffee in an interview. Photo: iStock

In a podcast called 'The Ventures', they interviewed an Australian MD named Trent Innes. Talking about the recruitment process at his company Xero Australia, he revealed that he pays special attention while hiring new candidates and he has devised a simple test to filter out the right ones. As per the podcast, he said that he begins the interview process by walking the candidate to the kitchen for a drink. "Then we take that back, have our interview, and one of the things I'm always looking for at the end of the interview is, does the person doing the interview want to take that empty cup back to the kitchen," he said.

Thus, the idea behind this 'coffee test' is to gauge whether or not the candidate would wash their own coffee cup. This would offer a glimpse into the attitude of the person, and whether or not they would be a good fit for the company. "You can develop skills, you can gain knowledge and experience but it really does come down to attitude," Trent Innes added.


What did you think of the Australian man's test for recruiting people? Tell us in the comments.

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