Only One In Fifty British Tea-Drinkers Brew The Drink Correctly: Survey


British citizens do not brew their tea for the expert-recommended duration, finds a survey by a UK-based company.

Only One In Fifty British Tea-Drinkers Brew The Drink Correctly: Survey
Tea has different ways of being brewed and seeped.


  • Tea is a popular beverage across the world
  • The humble brew requires a certain time frame to be properly made
  • A survey found only 2% of British citizens brew it this way

Tea is a beverage which enjoys an immense fan following across the globe. Be it India or China, Turkey or the United Kingdom - all of these countries have tea recipes and traditions of their own. There are so many different varieties of tea available across the world. From the classic English tea to a soothing Chamomile, a wonderful Oolong to a refreshing green tea - there are so many flavours to choose from. One hotly contested debate among tea-lovers is how long tea should be brewed for. What is the optimum time for which tea leaves should be allowed to infuse in a hot cup of water? A recent survey conducted by a UK-based company Tic watches explored this very topic and made some startling revelations.

The survey was conducted by the company on 2,000 British tea drinkers. They were asked to answer questions such as how strong they like their tea and the exact time they brew it for. This was compared to what experts say is the perfect amount of time for steeping or brewing tea. Tea experts said that the teabag should be left in the brew for at least four to five minutes to 'unlock all its flavours', while black tea should be brewed even longer at six minutes or so. Green or Oolong tea should be steeped for about two to three minutes, while herbal tea should be left for four to six minutes. However, here's the strange part - only one in fifty British citizens keep their tea brewing for this duration according to the survey.

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Tea is recommended to be brewed for about four to five minutes according to expert. 

"Our study found that the time an average person leaves their tea to brew is just one minute and ten seconds, with Bristolians having the weakest tea, only leaving it to infuse for 46 seconds on average," read the official blog on the website. This is indeed an interesting insight into what exactly goes into the making of Britain's much-loved beverage, and how far apart it is from the expert-recommended standards.


What according to you is the ideal cup of tea? Tell us your recipes in the comments below!

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