Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja recently hosted an intimate, sumptuous dinner party for about six to eight guests. Wonder what they ate? Their Private Chef Velton Saldanha posted a BTS video that captures all the preparation behind planning the food for the party. The video has gone viral on Instagram with about 2.6 million views, offering fans a glimpse into the life of Sonam Kapoor. In the video, the chef shared that they decided on a fun, relaxed Indian theme, "mixing thali elements with pre-plated elegance." He shared, "Planning was intense, especially with potential allergies and last-minute changes, but we were prepared for it."
The evening began with a "cocktail hour" featuring a grazing board and a unique Aloo tikki chaat, where the "dahi was a chilled coconut yogurt with parsley and cilantro chutney, and the tikki was a spiced sweet potato and Almondine tikki," the chef wrote in the caption.
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For dinner, the spread included dishes like Kerala-style curry, Honey-roasted duck masala, and Crispy garlic brussels sprouts. Other dishes on the menu included Chicken and basil shorba, Kolkata-style veggie milk pulao, Jeera baby aloo, Green beans and coconut sabji, Roasted black pepper chicken, Patli dal, Stir-fried chutney veggies with Barista onions, Papad khichiya crisps, Pickles and chutneys and Steam rice. He added, "I was able to put together a quick substitution when I learned someone didn't eat meat. They all loved the food and loved how the food was plated, they were complimenting both of my employers which I really loved."
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Dessert was a variety of gelatos and sorbets - "simple, straightforward, and fun". Watch the video here:
Recently, Sonam Kapoor hosted a lovely baby shower for fashion designer Masaba Gupta. Read all about it here.