Viral Controversial Tweet About Lunch Breaks At Office Starts Up Debate


A food delivery application landed in a controversy after they offered 'power hour' during lunchtime as a time to take a break.

Viral Controversial Tweet About Lunch Breaks At Office Starts Up Debate
Lunch breaks were offered as an additional perk at this company.


  • A controversial tweet about lunch hour at office has gone viral
  • A company offered it to its employees as an additional perk
  • Take a look at the Twitter post which has stirred up a debate

After working from home for an extended duration, adjusting to a regular office has been a task. A number of aspects of our work life had changed while working from home that are now again realigning in the context of the new workspace. Lunchtime, for instance, became a distant reality as back-to-back meetings and assignments were added to our schedules. Recently, a food delivery application, named Just Eat, decided to make a return to the old format of having a lunch hour in order to encourage employees to take a break from their busy schedules. Take a look at the tweet here:

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The post was shared by the head of human resources at the company. Calling it the 'Power Hour', she wrote that it was a time meant to disconnect from work and break away from their screens. It could be used to have lunch with the family, take a walk, exercise or just breathe. "Our colleagues told us while in lockdown they were on back-to-back calls and found it difficult to break away from their screen. That's not how we roll, so we've introduced the power hour," read the post. Meanwhile, in the comments section of the post, the officer added that a lot of the colleagues were having lunch at their desks, which is why the management decided to encourage employees to take a break.
The tweet has stirred up controversy online and garnered over 4.1 million views and 44.6k likes. A number of users pointed out that this should be the norm and that it's nothing for a company to boast about. "Imagine being so detached from reality that you post this thinking it's something to be proud of," said one user. "Wow... a valid lunch break is their idea of treating "resources" as "people"," commented another.
What did you think of the controversial tweet about lunch breaks? Tell us in the comments.

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