A group of friends dining at a popular restaurant in Hyderabad made a shocking discovery when they allegedly found a half-burnt cigarette in their chicken biryani. According to the video posted on X (formerly Twitter), the incident seemingly occurred at Bawarachi, a well-known restaurant in Hyderabad, sparking concern over food safety. The video of the incident was posted on the social media platform by user Vineeth K on November 25. In the footage, a group of nearly 10 men can be seen sitting at the table, with half-eaten food in front of them. One of them lifts a plate of biryani to show the burnt cigarette, while the others angrily shout at the restaurant staff.
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As the video continues, the situation escalates with staff members surrounding the table while the men continue to voice their complaints. The heated exchange caught the attention of other diners, who watched in shock. The group can be heard expressing their disgust and frustration.
Disclaimer: NDTV does not vouch for the claims made in the X post.
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Other social media users reacted to the video post. One user remarked, "This is why I hire a cook at home," while another humorously wrote, "They added it for additional taste." Others, however, suggested that some customers might be staging such incidents to get a free meal, with one commenting, "All restaurants should have CCTV to track these situations."
Here are some of the reactions left on the post:
The video has raised questions about food safety and cleanliness at restaurants.