Corn Nutrition: Benefits Of Corn And Interesting Ways To Add It To Your Diet

Corn Nutrition: Benefits Of Corn And Interesting Ways To Add It To Your Diet
Corn Nutrition: The nutritious corn can be added to dishes in numerous ways


  • Corn is delicious and has plenty of health benefits
  • You can include corn in your diet by adding it to a number of fillings
  • Corn pudding and Cornbread are healthy treats that you can gorge on

A balanced diet is one that includes micro-nutrients, macro-nutrients, sufficient amount of calories and fluid. Corn is known as Maize in a lot of countries. It is also one of those cereals, which is a crowd-pleaser and is also quite versatile. In India, people eat roasted corn on the cob or bhutta, as well as sweet corn in cups, which is widely available at street food stalls. This cereal is both healthy and nutritious and can be added to a number of snacks and dishes. From our favourite popcorn that is a movie theatre essential to the sweet corn toppings on our pizzas, corn has made its appearance on a whole range of dishes. It's with good reason that corn is favoured by vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike- it is rich in essential nutrients and can add a crunchy, sweet flavour to our food.

(Also Read : 13 Best Corn Recipes | Easy Corn Recipes)

Corn in its natural element

Corn Nutrition Facts And Values

Corn kernels have fewer calories and lower fat content than a lot of other cereal grains. As per USDA data, a 100 grams of corn kernels contains 64 calories as well as just about 0.5 grams of fat. For weight-conscious people, adding corn to their diet may be beneficial. In the same portion of corn kernels, you can also get about 2 grams of protein.

Corn Benefits

1.    Vitamin B12, folic acid and iron are present in abundance in corn. They contribute in the production of red blood cells which may reduce risk of anaemia.

2.    Corn contains complex carbohydrates which take a longer time to digest, leading to a steady release of energy in the bloodstream.


3.    It is known to be miraculous for those who are trying to gain weight. Including corn to your diet will add healthy calories to your diet which are better than the bad fats from junk food.

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4.    UV generated free radicals damage the skin. Collagen prevents the skin from getting damaged by the free radicals. Corn contains Vitamin C and lycopene that increase the production of collagen.

5.    Sweet corn and corn oil increase blood flow, regulate insulin and lower cholesterol absorption.


Here are a few interesting ways in which you can add corn to your diet:

1. Salads

A plate filled with different fruits and veggies can also include corn in it. Corn will not only add a different flavour to the salad but it will also add the health benefits associated with it. You can slice onions, chillies, tomatoes and a hint of lime juice to the salad and toss it along with boiled corn kernels or sweet corn.

(Also Read: Low Calorie Foods: Try These Delicious Low Calorie Salads And Dressings For Weight Loss )

A mixture of healthy fruits and veggies with a bonus of corn!

2. Dips

Dips are essentials for finger foods and snacks that are present at almost every party. Your dips can be made more delicious and crunchy by adding corn to them. You can easily make a corn dip by adding mayonnaise, onions, cheese and sour cream along with boiled corn kernels to get a delicious and crunchy dip. This dip can be eaten with sliced vegetables, potato chips, nachos, etc.

Use this tasty dip to complement your bland dish

3. Fillings For Dosa and Parantha

Dosa is one of the most popular South Indian dishes out there. It is a flat, fine sheet of rice batter, often stuffed with a potato filling and served with a variety of chutneys and sambhar. You can make your aloo filling more interesting by adding the delicious combination of cheese and corn to it.Paranthas, too have, a ton of options for their filling. For example, paneer, cauliflower, potato and onion being the most popular ones. One can also add ground cooked corn kernels to any of the popular fillings which will be a break from the monotony.


(Also Read : This Cheese Corn Dosa Is Every South Indian Food Lover's Dream Come True)

A flavoursome filling of corn to stuff in your dosas and paranthas

4. Corn Pudding

This is a popular dish in southern America and is quite creamy. Corn pudding is prepared from water, stewed corn and several other ingredients and can be easily prepared at home. One can add other ingredients according to their own liking. You can add anything as long as it complements the pudding.

Dig into this creamy fluid to flatter your taste buds

5. Cornbread

Cornbread is a dish from the native American cuisine and is prepared from cornmeal. It is quite easy to make at home and could be an alternative for those who are bored of eating regular wheat breads. All it takes is some sugar, butter, eggs, buttermilk, cornmeal, all-purpose flour, salt to prepare the batter for cornbread.

If you are bored with the regular wheat breads, corn bread is a great alternative.

Try all these corn-based dishes and you might end up getting obsessed with them. Have any more ideas for adding corn to your dishes? Let us know in the comments section below!


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