Fresh Homemade Coleslaw: Tips And Recipe For Creating The Perfect Blend


Coleslaw is one side dish that we all love but often ignore. This homemade coleslaw will make you fall in love with it all over again.

Fresh Homemade Coleslaw: Tips And Recipe For Creating The Perfect Blend
Coleslaw is a great addition to several meals.


  • Coleslaw adds crunch and creaminess to salads, sandwiches and more.
  • Homemade coleslaw is always better as it looks and tastes fresh.
  • This easy recipe will let you enjoy this delicious delicacy any time.

Coleslaw, with its crisp crunch and heavenly creaminess, is a timeless side dish that goes with endless dishes. Whether you're planning a get-together, a picnic in the park, or simply looking to add a fresh element to your dinner table, coleslaw is a delightful choice. Don't we all love our sandwiches stuffed with coleslaw or grilled sandwiches topped with it? It also works great as a salad serving. But what separates an average coleslaw from a perfect one? First, there's nothing better than the fresh coleslaw made at home. The store-bought ones fair nowhere close to it. Just by following the right techniques and some hacks, you can create the perfect blend of flavours and textures in your homemade coleslaw. 

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Here're 8 Tips To Keep In Mind To Make Coleslaw: 

1. Pick The Right Cabbage  

The foundation of any great coleslaw is obviously the cabbage. To get the desirable crunch in your coleslaw, choose the firm and compact head of cabbage. Green cabbage is the best but you can also combine it with purple cabbage to enhance its visual appeal.  Make sure to discard wilted or spoilt leaves.  

2. Cut It Right 

Use a sharp knife or a slicer to shred the cabbage into thin, uniform strips. If you are not making a large batch, you can also use your hands to shred it or use a grater for finer shreds. The important thing is to have them cut fine and in the same size.  

3. Add Colour and Texture 

It is a good idea to add a variety of colourful vegetables to make the coleslaw pop with colours and textures. Carrots, for instance, are a great choice. Also, thinly sliced bell peppers or even red onions can elevate the dish.  


4. Dress It Up

The dressing is what brings all the ingredients together in your coleslaw. There are endless options for coleslaw dressings, ranging from tangy and creamy to sweet and spicy. A classic dressing often includes a combination of mayonnaise, vinegar, sugar, and mustard. Experiment with different variations and adjust the proportions to suit your personal taste preferences. 

5. Don't Forget To Marinate

After tossing all the ingredients together, let the coleslaw marinate for at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator. This resting period allows the flavours to meld together, and to steep in vegetables. If you have more time in hand, it's best to let the coleslaw marinate for a few hours or even overnight.  


Also Read: Watch How To Make Mayonnaise At Home With This Easy Recipe Video

Coleslaw can be used in many ways. Image Credit: iStock


How To Make The Perfect Coleslaw I Homemade Coleslaw Recipe: 

Start by removing the dead outer leaves of the cabbage and slice the cabbage in half to remove its core. Then shred the cabbage and add shredded carrots to it. In a separate bowl, make the dressing by combining the mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, mustard sauce, sugar, salt, and pepper. Whisk the ingredients together until the dressing is smooth and well-blended. Pour the dressing over the vegetables and let it all marinate. Garnish with black pepper powder and/or herbs to serve. 

Click here for the complete recipe for homemade coleslaw.  


There you have it - the recipe for perfect coleslaw. But remember you can always experiment with different ingredients and spices to suit your style. 

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