Make Protein-Rich, 5-Minute Choco Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl For A Power-Packed Breakfast


There's nothing like a good smoothie bowl to get your daily nutrients fix. And, this protein-rich Choco Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl is all you need for a power-packed start.

Make Protein-Rich, 5-Minute Choco Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl For A Power-Packed Breakfast
This chocolate peanut butter smoothie is easy to make at home.


  • Peanut butter is full of nutrients, especially, proteins.
  • Make this choco peanut butter smoothie for breakfast.
  • This smoothie contains many healthy foods other than peanut butter.

You can don your creative cap and be really inventive when it comes to making breakfast. The first meal of the day should ideally be packed with nutrients, especially, proteins to kickstart your day. Proteins are essential to keep you sated enough for a long time lest you binge-eat. Proteins also provide you a good amount of energy to take on the whole day ahead with zeal. There's nothing like a good smoothie bowl to get your daily nutrients fix. And, this Choco Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl is all you need for a power-packed start.

Proteins In Smoothie Bowl

Peanut butter is a great source of proteins. As per the data by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), about a handful of peanut butter contains 8 gm of protein. To make things better, peanut butter is also super tasty!

Choco Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl

The recipe video from YouTube channel 'Chef Raji Gupta' shows how to make the choco peanut butter smoothie bowl, which looks absolutely irresistible. For added healthfulness and deliciousness, sprinkle some chia seeds, choco chips, choco oats and banana slices on a bed of smoothie made with peanut butter, cocoa powder, almond milk, bananas and honey.


There's no way you won't like this chocolate-y smoothie bowl for breakfast. The kids are sure to love it too. Give it a try once and you'll want to make this healthy smoothie again and again.

Watch the recipe video of choco peanut butter smoothie bowl -


(Also Read: Why Peanut Butter Smoothie Is The Ideal Post-Workout Recovery Drink)

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