Should You Switch To Organic Foods For Good Health? Expert Weighs In


A factor that makes organic foods highly nutritious is that they are given time to develop and are provided with the best natural conditions for growth.

Should You Switch To Organic Foods For Good Health? Expert Weighs In
The organic food industry began to boom a decade ago


  • Organic food is wholesome, nutrient-rich, and flavourful
  • In addition to being healthy for the body, it maintains soil health
  • Organic farming uses naturally-derived pesticides in place of synthetics

The organic food market is witnessing an increased demand as consumers opt for healthier options. While maintaining social distancing and choosing to self-quarantine, many of us are cooking at home and making conscious choices about the ingredients we use. There is research-driven evidence that organic foods are healthier and more nutritious, as compared to their counterparts. Organic farming is also better for the environment. It reduces pollution, conserves water, reduces soil erosion, increases soil fertility and uses less energy. Farming without pesticides is better for nearby birds and animals as well as people who live close to farms. If we take a look at studies, almost every one of us has been a victim of food contamination at least once in our lives. Using organic food is one of the best ways to compensate for this problem. How, you ask? It is because organic produce is grown without the usage of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, which are one of the main drivers behind diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites found on raw foods that are not carefully washed or prepared.

How Going Organic Is Beneficial?

Organic food is wholesome, nutrient-rich, and flavourful. A factor that makes organic foods highly nutritious is that they are given time to develop and are provided with the best natural conditions for growth. Organic foods - being rich in vitamin and mineral contents - help strengthen our immune systems. Rising awareness amongst individuals about the side effects of artificial chemicals in conventional food production has additionally helped the growth of organic food in recent years.

In addition to being healthy for the body, it maintains soil health, reduces water usage, and is more energy-efficient. The organic food industry began to boom a decade ago and there has been no going back ever since. One of the biggest benefits of living an organic lifestyle is contributing to the continuing efforts to maintain our planet. Locally grown organic foods without an infusion of harmful chemicals and toxins help reduce human health implications caused by air, water, and soil pollution.

Free from harmful chemicals with better quality:

Organic farming uses naturally-derived pesticides in place of synthetics that are common in conventional farming. Natural pesticides are non-toxic, thus eliminating the risk of major health issues. The use of traditional and non-conventional seeds, breeds, and farming methods ensures resistance to infectious diseases and resilience to climate change. Organic farming minimizes erosion of agricultural biodiversity and enhances species richness, and abundance by almost 30% as compared to inorganic farming methods. Organic food products are fresh because they are not treated with any preservatives or wax for longer shelf-life. Though they do not taste like our favourite junk food, which is more spicy and sugary, they are rich in flavour - all thanks to the use of natural fertilisers.

Conventional foods are sprayed with harmful chemicals that kill living organisms, which our food needs to become nutrient-rich. While organic food might be priced higher, it prevents the body from the needless intake of pesticides and fertilisers. This further cuts down the risk of health hazards and unnecessary medical expenses in the longer run.


Downside Of Going Organic:

People might initially feel that the cost of organic items is more than our regular food items because it has a limited supply and the cost of production is much higher. The major issue of organic farming is the inadequate infrastructure and demand for the product. Organic farming production is lesser in comparison to their conventional counterparts. Therefore, organic farmers find it difficult to accommodate large scale production. Organic products may look less appealing in appearance and have a shorter shelf life than products infused with chemicals. Organic products are heavily dependent on the season; therefore, the farmer and consumer often have fewer choices in comparison to conventional and imported items.

One can say that the organic food industry will witness significant growth in the next few years. The industry is in an emerging phase but it has huge potential for growth and will contribute to the overall economic growth of the country.


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