Summer Recipe: This Sweet-N-Sour Mango-Guava Mix Can Keep You Hydrated In a Scorching Summer Afternoon


Both the summer fruits - raw mangoes and guavas- are rich in various nutrients. Hence, not only this fruit-mix will take you to your childhood days, but also has several health benefits.

Summer Recipe: This Sweet-N-Sour Mango-Guava Mix Can Keep You Hydrated In a Scorching Summer Afternoon
Every person has a sweet childhood memory associated to kacchi kairi


  • Raw mango is stated to prevent body from dehydration
  • Both guava and mango are rich in vitamin C
  • Both guavas and mangoes are rich in antioxidants

Summer season is here and it is time to relish some sweet and sour raw mangoes, or as we popularly call it kacchi kairi! Most of us surely have some sweet childhood memories associated with kacchi kairi. Be it in form of aam panna or kaccha aam with salt, raw mango has a mass appeal and is one of the summer favourites. Keeping in mind its popularity, here we bring you a fruit mix recipe that will not only please your palate, but also keep you hydrated in a hot summer afternoon. Along with the tang of the raw mangoes, this mix also has the goodness of the sweet guavas and some spices.

Both the summer fruits - raw mangoes and guavas- are rich in various nutrients. Hence, not only this fruit-mix will take you to your childhood days, but also has several health benefits.

Also Read: Aam Panna: What Makes The Pulpy Drink The Ultimate Summer Thirst Quencher

Health Benefits Of Mango-Guava Mix:

  • Raw mango is stated to prevent body from dehydration and gastro-intestinal disorders during the summer season. Guava also is said to prevent diarrhoea and constipation. Hence, this mixture can be touted well for gut-health.
  • Both guava and mango are rich in vitamin C, making this mix a good option for strengthening immunity and boosting energy.
  • Both guavas and mangoes are rich in antioxidants, which may help in maintaining blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Also Read: 6 Reasons To Add Kairi To Your Summer Diet

Raw mango is stated to prevent body from gastro-intestinal disorders

Here's The Recipe For Sweet-N-Sour Mango-Guava Mix:


Raw Mango- half cup (thin slices)


Guava- half cup (thin slices)

Black Salt- one teaspoon


Kasundi (Bengali Mustard Sauce)- 2-3 tablespoons

Sugar- two teaspoon


Lemon juice- one teaspoon

Red chilli powder - half teaspoon


Coriander leaves- one teaspoon (freshly chopped)

Green chilli- 1-2 (chopped)


Also Read: How To Make Guava Chutney (Amrood Ki Chutney) At Home


Step 1- Take the green chillies, salt, and sugar and lemon juice in a bowl and mix them weel (preferably mash them together with hand).

Step 2- Add guava, mango, kasundi or red chilli powder to it and mix again. Make sure every slice of the fruits is well coated with the spice mix.

Step 3- Garnish it with freshly chopped coriander leaves and enjoy!

One must remember the amount of the spices can vary as per taste palate.

Try this mix at home and let us know your feedback. Happy summer!

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