Survival Series: How to Make The Ultimate Baked Potato

Survival Series: How to Make The Ultimate Baked Potato
It’s true, baked potato is the ultimate comfort food, and there’s nothing more satisfying or scrumptious. It’s a favourite of many all year round, from crispy skin to a pillowy center, mind blowing toppings to basic salt and pepper. The golden rule of this simple snack, you may ask? Always (and we mean always) prick the potato.
(How to Boil Eggs Perfectly)All you need is olive oil, salt and pepper to make this baked potato oh so delicious. Tip: You can even spruce it with some cheese before throwing it in the oven.Watch and learn:
We bring you the simplest recipe ever:1.    Preheat the oven to 200 degress Celsius.
2.    Baste the baked potato with olive oil.
3.    Then sprinkle salt and pepper, and prick with a fork.
4.    Wrap in foil and cook in the oven for 50 minutes.
5.    Voila, your baked potato is ready! Serve with a simple splat of butter and you’re good to go.(How to Make Quick and Easy Pancakes)
(Kitchen Hack: How to Reheat Pizza)
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