Watch: 5 Foods You Should Never Allow Your Pet Dog To Eat


These foods, although delicious and healthy for humans, should definitely not be fed to dogs as the toxins present in them may cause harm to your pet.

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Watch: 5 Foods You Should Never Allow Your Pet Dog To Eat
These foods should not be fed to your dog.


  • Canines can often be sensitive to foods that we eat
  • It is best not to feed them these food items due to health problems
  • Here are 5 foods you must never feed your pet dog

It is a common practice in many households to sneak in small bites from their meals to their pets. These tiny tidbits are passed on directly from the owner's plate into their dog or cat's food bowl. However, experts advise against certain food items being fed to our canine friends. The internal digestion mechanisms and enzymes inside a dog's body are not akin to those in humans, which is why it's important to know about these specific items. These foods, although delicious and healthy for humans, should definitely not be fed to dogs as the toxins present in them may cause harm to your pet.

Here Are 5 Foods You Should Never Allow Your Dog To Eat:

1. Garlic & Onions

Both of these foods contain thiosulphate, which damages dogs red blood cells and can lead to anaemia. Beware of feeding your pet foods which contain even traces of garlic or onion.

2. Avocado

Although Avocado is said to be good for the human diet due to the good fats present in it, this is not the case for man's best friend. The vegetable contains a toxin called persin, which may lead to intestinal issues in dogs.


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Avocados should not be fed to dogs. 

3. Macadamia Nuts


Although sum nuts are okay for dogs, macadamia nuts contain a toxin that may be harmful to your furry friend's nervous system, further leading to more complex health issues.

4. Chocolate


Most dog owners are already familiar with this one, but for the newbies, it's important to know that chocolate is highly toxic for canines and should be avoided.

(Also Read: )

Chocolate is also a no-no for canines. 

5. Grapes & Raisins

Grapes and raisins can cause serious kidney damage in dogs, which can also prove to be fatal if the health condition worsens.


So, next time you're thinking of what to feed your pet dog, take a cue from this list and avoid passing on these foods!

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