What Is Sourdough Bread, Why It Is Trending And How You Can Make It Yourself


Sourdough bread is a term everyone would have heard after it trended in 2020. Here's what it really is and how you can make it at home.

What Is Sourdough Bread, Why It Is Trending And How You Can Make It Yourself
Sourdough bread took the world by storm in 2020.


  • Sourdough bread has taken the culinary world by storm
  • The recipe was among the most-searched on Google in 2020
  • Here's all you need to know about it and an easy recipe to try

Baking bread at home is no less than an art. The process of combining flour with water, kneading it until smooth and baking it to perfection - doesn't the very mention of it sound so relaxing? There are a number of bread recipes out there which avid bakers try their hands at. Sourdough bread is one such recipe which everyone has become familiar with, in the recent past. The name itself instantly rings a bell among baking aficionados and foodies all over the world. Countless people have taken to baking as a pastime in the lockdown period, and sourdough bread was undoubtedly one of the hot favourites. But what exactly is Sourdough bread and what has made this recipe so popular? Here's all you need to know.

What Is Sourdough Bread? | Sourdough Bread Meaning

Sourdough bread refers to a special kind of bread which is made with just three ingredients - flour, salt and water. The unique taste of the bread comes from the process of 'leavening' or making the bread rise which spans several days. There is no need for any additional leavening agents such as yeast or curd in the recipe. Sourdough is fermented with the help of the naturally occurring bacteria in the flour itself. The resulting bread is slightly tangy to taste, very soft, chewy and completely addictive. To put it simply, Sourdough is possibly the easiest, no-fuss bread recipe which requires minimal ingredients, but a lot of time and patience invested in it.

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Sourdough bread can be used to make a number of other recipes. 

Why Is Sourdough Bread Viral? | Sourdough Bread Trend

The fact that Sourdough bread requires only three ingredients was a major reason why several bakers took to trying this recipe in the lockdown - a period when only the basics were available. As explained earlier, baking Sourdough bread is a painstaking process spanning several days and requiring dedicated attention.


Governments all over the world imposed restrictions on the movement of citizens, thus, they had to stay largely indoors with plenty of free time on their hands. Sourdough bread baking became not just a productive way to bide time, but also something delicious to eat within the comfort of one's home. This trend became even clearer when Google released its 'Year In Search' report for the year 2020. Among the top 10 trending recipes of globally, Sourdough bread featured at number three.

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Sourdough bread can be easily made at home. 

How To Make Sourdough Bread | Sourdough Bread Recipe

The procedure of making Sourdough bread begins by the preparation of a 'starter', which is basically a natural leavening agent made with a combination of flour and water. For this, you need a handful of white flour or Maida and 1-2 tsp water. Knead the dough for a couple of minutes until it becomes soft and springy, and then leave it to rest for 2-3 days.


Refresh this again with double the flour and sufficient water, set aside for a day or two again. Repeat the process till you get a fresh, fully-risen dough. This Sourdough starter can now be used in virtually any Sourdough recipe! Simply add salt, flour and water and pop it in the oven to get a delicious, crusty bread read in a matter of minutes.

For the full recipe to make a Sourdough starter, click here.

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