Diabetes? This Rajma And Chana Chaat Could Be The Yummiest Addition To Your Diet


While you know very well how to use them to make delightful curries, have you ever tried whipping up a quick chaat using the two? Here's a toothsome recipe you would thank us for.

Diabetes? This Rajma And Chana Chaat Could Be The Yummiest Addition To Your Diet
Diabetes is a common metabolic condition


  • Diabetics should eat at regular intervals
  • Diabetics need to keep their calorie intake in check
  • Diabetics should consume more of fibre

It would not be an exaggeration to say that diabetes has been one of the most talked about health conditions, as far as this decade is concerned. Of course, the condition is not new, but the rise in number of people, especially young people, being diagnosed with the metabolic condition has been a worrisome affair. A study, published in the Lancet Journal in the year 2018, predicted that about 98 million Indians stand at a risk of developing diabetes by the year 2030.

(Also Read: )

Diabetes is a condition where your body is either not producing enough insulin, or not responding to the insulin produced. Unfortunately, there are not many known treatments to reverse the condition, so all you can do is manage the symptoms by eating right and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Diabetics should include more and more fibre-rich foods in their diet. This is because fibre-rich foods digest slowly and thus enable slow release of sugar in the bloodstream, and keep blood sugar spikes in control.

(Also Read: Diabetes Diet: 17 Easy Diabetes-Friendly Snack Ideas To Manage Blood Sugar Levels)

Take a note of the time when you are checking your blood sugars
Photo Credit: iStock


Diabetes Diet:

If you look around, you would find plenty of natural food sources for good quality fibre. Most fruits and green vegetables are enriched with fibre, even the legumes like chana and rajma are not far behind. Not just fibre chana (chickpea) and rajma (kidney beans) are also good sources of protein and inflammation-fighting antioxidants. While you know very well how to use them to make delightful curries, have you ever tried whipping up a quick chaat using the two? Here's a toothsome recipe you would thank us for.


Diabetes Diet: How To Make Chana-Rajma Chaat


  • Half bowl of boiled white chickpea or chana
  • Half bowl of boiled rajma
  • Half a cup chopped tomatoes
  • Half cup chopped onions
  • 1/4th cup of sweet potatoes
  • 3 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
  • 2 tbsp mint chutney
  • Chaat masala for taste
  • A pinch of lemon juice

1. In a large mixing bowl, add the chana and rajma together. Then add the tomatoes, onions and sweet potatoes.
2. Now, throw in the coriander leaves, chutney, chaat masala and mix everything well.
3. Top it up with a pinch of lemon juice and chomp away.

Try making this chaat at home, and do not refrain from experimenting. You can add and eliminate ingredients of your choice. It is your chaat after all! Do tell us how you liked it in the comments below.


(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)
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