Watch: Internet Lauds NGO For Serving Fresh Homemade Food To The Homeless


Shravan Seva, an NGO from Vadodara, Gujarat aim to make a difference in the lives of the elderly.

Watch: Internet Lauds NGO For Serving Fresh Homemade Food To The Homeless


  • The global pandemic affected people worldwide
  • An NGO has been helping the elderly and homeless during this time
  • Read to know more

Ever since the pandemic started, we all have seen how badly it affected people worldwide. Many lost their jobs/businesses, some elderly people were locked inside their homes, and some even found it hard to cope with a completely new environment. But, as time went on, many individuals and NGOs came forward to help those in need. It could be something as simple as providing them with basic necessities, giving health care packages and even fresh food. One such NGO that has been helping the elderly is Shravan Seva from Vadodara, Gujarat. They aim to make a difference in the lives of the elderly and have successfully supported and relocated 15 elderly people. With this, the NGO also serves fresh homemade food to homeless people.

(Also Read: NGO In Indore Fined For Selling Eggs And Mutton; The Reason Leaves Internet In Splits)

Recently, a video posted on the NGO's Instagram handle and initially made by user @joohiie showed their process of making and distributing food to the homeless. The video begins by showing the large quantities of food they prepare for the people. Then this food is packed in plastic plates so one can easily have it anywhere. The items in the plastic plates include dal, sabzi, rice, rotis, salad and a water bottle. Take a look at the full video here:

Ever since this video was posted, it has garnered 309K views, 40.4K likes and hundreds of comments. Many people have appreciated the work of the NGO. A person wrote, "Beautiful video of hard work being done by worker for a noble cause to feed the hungry ones and make sure no one is left behind." Many other people have also written words of praises like, "Great job by your team", "God bless you all for this work" and "Great deed! Keep it up".

(Also Read: 50 Girls to 50 Chefs: A Charity that Works for Underprivileged Young Adults)


Some people have also asked how to donate to the NGO. For the same, a donation can be made on their website

What do you think about this video? Let us know in the comments below!

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