Keto Diet: Is High Fat, Low-Carb Diet Good For Health? Expert Speaks


Ketogenic diet is a high-fat low-carb diet, which scores of people are adopting to achieve quick weight loss. But is it really healthy? Does it really help in losing weight? Consultant Nutritionist, Dr. Rupali Datta answers all our Keto-related questions.

Keto Diet: Is High Fat, Low-Carb Diet Good For Health? Expert Speaks
High Fat, Low-Carb Diet: Ketogenic diet is all the rage in the world of health


  • Keto diet is a low carb, high fat diet
  • This low carb diet allows you to consume less than 50 gm of carbs daily
  • One of the major risks involved in this type of diet is malnourishment

Keto diet was originally formulated to control the frequency of epileptic seizures in children but somewhere along the way it became a diet for weight reduction. Keto diet is a low carb, high fat diet. When we consume very little carbs, the body is forced to burn fats for energy, leading to the production of ketone bodies by the liver; these ketos are then used as fuel. This low carbohydrate diet allows you to consume less than 50 grams of carbs per day and it takes 2-3 days for the body to reach the state of ketosis. In addition, excessive protein intakes may also interfere with ketosis. Not more than 75 grams of proteins are recommended. On the other hand, it allows you to consume 60 percent of your calories from fats, including saturated fats - on a 2000 kcal diet that works out to about 165 grams of fat per day.

While weight loss does happen fast on this diet, long-term effects of this diet have not been studied. If you wish to start on Keto diet, make sure you do so under the guidance of a trained nutritionist, who can tell you when to stop. One of the major risks involved in this type of diet is malnourishment; due to lack of nutrients, liver and kidney problems may also arise. 

(Also Read: Try This Keto-Friendly Poha For A Healthy Breakfast)

Daily Keto Diet Plan/Chart Looks Like This:

Vegetarian Paneer with butter and green saladButton Mushrooms with peppers cooked in oilNuts and cheese with onions and tomato sauteed in Olive oil
Non-VegetarianEgg with green salad and butterButter chicken with Red and Yellow peppersFried mutton cutlets with Veggies

Ketogenic Diet: Is High Fat, Low-Carb Diet Good For Health?


Foods That You Can Eat On A Keto Diet

High-fat, high-protein, low-carb foods work best on Keto diet. Some of the foods that you can include in a keto diet are –

Coconut oil, clarified butter (ghee), butter, chicken, eggs, all vegetables, lentils, legumes, pulses, dry fruits, nuts, seeds, cottage cheese and other types of healthy cheese like goat cheese and feta cheese.


High-carb foods like grains, flours, oats, cakes, desserts made of refined flour etc. should be avoided.

(Also Read: Ketogenic Diet Deconstructed: Should You Follow it?)


Keto diet relies on high-protein, high-fat but low-carb foods. 


Some Things You Should Keep In Mind On Keto Diet

Any diet including keto diet may fail to show positive effects if not followed properly. Here are some mistakes that you must avoid and keep these tips in mind to avail the maximum benefits of the diet for effective weight loss.  

Include nutritious foods like vegetables in your diet


It's not only about proteins and fats. You might be tempted to eat all that cheese, but don't forget to include nutrient-dense foods and fibrous vegetables in your diet. When you don't eat enough fibre, you might suffer from the problem of constipation. This is a common side effect of keto diet seen in many people following it.

Don't expect quick results

You must have heard that keto diet shows quick weight loss results but you still need to have patience to wait for the results to actually start showing. You need to understand that your body will take its own time to transform and reach the state of ketosis and it can't be an overnight miracle. You need to sit tight and stick to your diet for as long as it is required.

Stay hydrated

It is very important to drink lots of fluids including plain water to keep yourself hydrated. Hydration is important for body to function properly and it also helps in flushing out the build-up of ketones through the passage of urine.

Don't cut out healthy foods

In order to avoid carbs, be careful not to miss out on nutrition from other healthy foods. It's important to replenish the body with other vital nutrients.

Keep your salt intake optimal

Minimum amount of salt and sodium is essential for body. Omission of carbs could lead to omission of packages foods, and other foods including salt. Make sure to consume enough salt through home cooked healthy foods.

Eat right kinds of fats

Keto is based on high-fat foods but that doesn't mean that you should gorge on unhealthy saturated fats like cream, oil and cheese. Try to eat more of healthy unsaturated fats and Omega 3 fatty acids that will not only help you lose weight through keto diet, but will also avoid having health issues caused due to high fat content in the body, like fatty liver and high cholesterol.

Live an active life

Any diet doesn't guarantee weight loss and may not prove useful in the long run if you don't life a physically active life. You diet doesn't give you an excuse to take the elevator instead of stairs or it doesn't mean that you don't really need to walk down to the local market.

Weight loss doesn't come easy. You have to control your urges, put in a lot of efforts and keep patent and faith in yourself. Whether you should take the path of keto diet to achieve your fitness goals, we leave it to your discretion and advise you to consult your nutritionist.

About Author: Dr. Rupali Datta is a Clinical Nutritionist and has worked in leading corporate hospitals. She has created and lead teams of professionals to deliver clinical solutions for patients across all medical specialties including critical care. 

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