This Aloe Vera Juice With Lemon And Honey May Work Wonders For Weight Loss


Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera is a nutritionally-dense plant that may work wonders for weight loss and immunity.

This Aloe Vera Juice With Lemon And Honey May Work Wonders For Weight Loss
One can simply extract the aloe vera gel from the plant.


  • Aloe vera is a powerhouse of nutrients
  • It can boost digestion, aid in weight and boost immunity
  • Here is an aloe vera juice with lemon and honey that you may try

There are many prized ingredients in our nature that comes with wonderful health benefits. One such example is of aloe vera (ghritkumari). Ever since the bright green, succulent plant found value and mention in Ayurveda, health and beauty remedies by experts, it has taken over gardens and window shelves of many homes around the world. No wonder there are tonnes of gels, creams and juices being made with the wonderful plant.

But did you know, as much as there are amazing benefits of using aloe vera for skin, there are some health benefits of consuming aloe vera as well?! The nutritionally dense plant has countless benefits that are enough for us to start finding ways to include it in our diet. One of the most important benefits of aloe vera is that it may also help you in weight loss! Besides being loaded with vitamins and minerals, aloe vera is believed to have certain active compounds, which may help you shed a few pounds. It is also known to boost metabolism, which helps burn more of body fat aiding weight loss. Its laxative properties aid digestion when consumed in small quantities that can lead to weight loss too.

There are many ways to consume aloe vera; however, it must be consumed in small quantities and avoided by pregnant women and those with frequent tummy troubles and problems like diarrhoea or loose motions. Aloe vera juice is one of the most popular ways to reap in the many benefits of the plant. Not only is it easy, but is known to boost the body's immunity. The wide range of antioxidants, present in aloe vera also helps fight cell damage caused by free-radical activity and strengthens your immunity.

(Also Read: Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: 7 Amazing Reasons To Drink Aloe Vera Juice Everyday)

Aloe vera must be consumed in small quantities.

One can simply buy a pack of aloe vera juice from the market or extract the aloe vera gel from the plant. It might be bitter in taste but you can always add a teaspoon of honey for taste. Here we have a quick and simple aloe vera juice recipe packed with the goodness of lemon and honey that may help you shed a few kilos along with boosting your immunity!



. Aloe vera gel- 2 tsp


. Lemon- 1 (juiced)

. Honey- 1 tsp


. Mint leaves (chopped)- 5-6



. All you need to do is blend all the ingredients well till smooth and serve.

As per many health experts, one can even combine aloe vera with other healthy herbs such as giloy, amla or tulsi for more health benefits. Be cautious about not consuming too much of aloe vera since it can have side effects.


Try this aloe vera, lemon and honey juice for weight loss empty stomach every morning. Share your experience with us in the comments section below.

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