How To Reheat Your Left-Over Biryani: Easy Tips And Tricks


Bid adieu to the sticky and clamped up rice, these reheating hacks will ensure you have the best biryani-eating experience each time you decide to dig in.

How To Reheat Your Left-Over Biryani: Easy Tips And Tricks
Reheating and eating biryani next day does not quite feel the same


  • Biryani can be of many kinds
  • Biryani is always associated with indulgence
  • You can reheat your biryani using this fool-proof hack

When it comes to biryani, ideas like dieting and portion control often go out the window. Nobody likes to compromise on the portion biryani and regret not taking that second helping; which is why we are often guilty of overfilling our plates and even over-ordering Biryani sometimes. As a result we end up with tremendous amount of leftovers. Now, obviously biryani lovers like us would never even consider tossing it out, but reheating and eating it next day does not quite feel the same. But we have a hack that'll make sure your biryani tastes just the same as it tasted when it was fresh. Yes, you heard us; bid adieu to the sticky and clamped up rice, these reheating hacks will ensure you have the best biryani-eating experience each time you decide to dig in.

(Also Read: 15 Best Biryani Recipes | Easy Biryani Recipes)

If you are reheating in microwave, it is a good idea to add 1 tablespoon water for each cup of rice, break the clamps with a spoon and heat till water is absorbed. You can also cover the mouth of your vessel with a plate or a towel before putting it in the microwave. No need to seal to seal the edges, doing so will ensure that your rice retains moisture

If you are heating on cooking stove, stir fry it by adding a splash of water, oil or butter and cook it till it is not mushy anymore. Also take a spatula and break the clamps if any, while stir-frying.
Adding water is important because the water used to cook rice often dries up with passage of time, making the rice dry. Adding water and reheating the rice, gives it the much-needed moisture, and make your biryani palatable again. It also helps to prevent chances of toxin build up, according to a few experts.

(Also Read: Indian Cooking Tips: Ever Tried A Riceless Chicken Biryani? Here's How You Can Make It At Home)


One cannot deny that it is always a better decision to have your biryani when it is freshly cooked and hot. If you are not able to finish all the biryani you have cooked or ordered, do not let it sit out in room temperature for more than one hour. Once the rice has cooled down, put it in the refrigerator.

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