Move Over, Traditional Pickles: Try These 4 Interesting Achaar Recipes At Home


Achaar or pickle is one of the most loves and popular accompaniments of an Indian meal. Here's how you can make some of the most unique achaars at home.

Move Over, Traditional Pickles: Try These 4 Interesting Achaar Recipes At Home
One can always find huge jars of pickles in almost every Indian kitchen.


  • Crunchy, spicy and tantalising, pickle is an essential part of our meal
  • Achaar has been a traditional part of Indian cuisine
  • Here are unique and interesting achaar recipes that you can try at home

If there's one thing an Indian meal can't be complete without is the good old achaar or pickle. For years, our mothers and grandmothers have been following the tradition of making pickle at home - the western world calls it the process of fermentation. The crunchy and tangy pickles have accompanied almost every meal in an Indian household. Be it mango pickle tossed with fenugreek and cardamom, fiery green chilli pickles or the juicy, citrusy nimbu ka achaar, you name it and you have it!

One can find huge jars of these pickles in almost every Indian kitchen so no meal is ever a dull one. Got a boring dal, spruce it up some mango pickle, add lemon pickle to give a juicy bit to your rice and so on. But did you know that you can even go beyond these usual traditional pickles to something all the more unique and delicious? We are talking adrak ka achaar, gosht ka achaar and more!

(Also Read: 11 Best Pickle Recipes | Easy Pickle Recipes)

1. Murgh Ka Achaar

Yes, you read that right! You can make pickle even out of chicken chunks. Chicken pieces cooked in oil with ginger, garlic and powdered spices such as mustarild seeds, garam masala and chilli makes for this yummy treat that can lend flavour to a simple meal of rice and dal. Find the recipe here.

2. Kathal Ka Achaar

Doesn't everything taste all the more better when thrown in to a pool of spices? That's exactly what happens when you marinate jackfruit in a plethora of spices such as red chilli, powdered mustard seeds, onion seeds, asafoetida and turmeric. Drenched in mustard oil, kathal ka achaar is a delight to relish! Find the recipe here.


3. Ginger Pickle (Adrak Ka Achaar)

Simple, quick, easy and irresistible! Adrak (ginger) ka achaar can be your go-to accompaniment for everything - from dal to paratha and even bread slices! Little sweet tangy, it has a balance that makes it a must try at home. Find the recipe here.

4. Gosht Ka Achaar

Succulent mutton chunks cooked in a pool of spices! Made exactly like chicken, this flavourful achaar is perfect to be on you dinner party menu, set to be the star dish. Find the recipe here.


Try these spectacular achaar recipes at home and let us know you experience in the comments section below.

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