5 Unique Cornflakes Recipes You Can Prepare At Home


If you are bored having cornflakes with milk, you must check this out.

5 Unique Cornflakes Recipes You Can Prepare At Home
Here are some unique ways to enjoy cornflakes


  • Cornflakes are usually considered as breakfast items.
  • But there are many unique ways of having them other than breakfast.
  • Here are 5 such cornflakes recipes you can try at home.

You may feel bored while having the same food every day. Sometimes, changing ways to cook the same kind of food retains interest. It helps you break free from your usual mundane eating habits and bring the much-wanted change in your diet. Now, what if we tell you that there are different ways to enjoy cornflakes - one of the most staple breakfast options. Surprised? It's true. If you are bored having it every morning with milk and sugar, it's time to give your regular bowl of cornflakes a spin. There are many unique delectable ways to have cornflakes. 

(Also read : How To Make Crunchy Cornflakes Chivda - A Delicious Tea-Time Snack In Under 10 Minutes)

For you, we have a list of 5 unique recipes that can be prepared using cornflakes. Take a look

1. Cornflakes Upma

You can give cornflakes a desi spin with upma. Whip some delectable cornflakes upma with chopped onions, tomatoes, garlic, green chillies, curry leaves and a few spices. Enjoy it for your breakfast.   

You can make a south Indian upma for breakfast with cornflakes

2.Corn Flakes Crumbed Paneer

You may have never tried cornflakes with paneer but this recipe is proof that it's a must-have combination. For corn flakes crumbed paneer, first you will have to marinate paneer slices and then coat it with cornflakes. Fry it until brown and serve it with mint chutney.   


3. Crispy Cornflakes Chivda Recipe

First, keep the poha aside. Don't fall for the name. Just mix a few ingredients in a bowl and you are good to go. Prepare a masala using a few quintessential spices and add cornflakes to it. That's all. Relish it.


4. Cornflakes Fried Chicken

You may not have done this before but trust us, the crunchy cornflakes cover blends well with fried chicken. Right before you deep fry the chicken pieces, dip them into a batter and coat them with cornflakes. A new kind of chicken recipe is ready to savour.

Cornflakes chicken is crispy and delicious

5) Nutty Cornflake Chocolate Clusters  

It's time to devour some delicious chocolate with cornflakes. Yes, you heard it right. Mix a few nuts and cornflakes with chocolate and make nutty cornflake chocolate clusters. You'll be totally amased by the results.


Next time when you want to experiment with your usual cornflakes, you can refer to these recipes.

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