Watch: Bengali-Style Gobhi Curry Recipe - A Unique Fusion Dish That Will Win Your Heart


Bengali-style gobhi curry recipe gives a spin to the regular gobhi sabzi by adding fish to it and imparting it some extra flavours.

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Watch: Bengali-Style Gobhi Curry Recipe - A Unique Fusion Dish That Will Win Your Heart
This gobhi curry recipe is a must-try.


  • Give your regular patta gobhi sabzi a unique spin.
  • Try this Bengali-style gobhi curry with the addition of fish.
  • Watch the recipe video to make it at home.

Cabbage (gobhi) is commonly used in Indian cuisine to make dry sabzi in which gobhi is usually mixed with peas and potatoes along with spices. It is easy to make, light on the stomach and great in taste too. But have you tried the Bengali-style gobhi sabzi? Now, if it's Bengali food, fish has to be a part of it. So, this recipe gives a spin to the regular gobhi sabzi by adding fish to it and imparting it some extra flavours. It is unusual but you'll be surprised to see how this unique combination of veggies and fish works so well in this dish.

The Bengali-style gobhi recipe was shared on the YouTube channel 'LetsCookWithTina'. Follow these steps and watch the video to make this yummy dish at home.

Here's a step-by-step recipe of Bengali-style patta gobhi curry:

Step 1 - Roughly chop the tomatoes and green chilli, and grind in a blender to make a paste.
Step 2 - Heat some oil in a pan (preferably mustard oil). Add jeera and let it splutter.
Step 3 - Now, add potato cubes and fry on medium flame till golden brown.
Step 4 - Add shredded cabbage and peas, mix everything well. Saute for a few minutes.
Step 5 - Add salt, turmeric powder, mix and cover the pan to let the vegetables cook for a few minutes.
Step 6 - Stir the vegetables, add black pepper powder and a dash of sugar. Mix well.
Step 7 - Add tomato and green chilli paste, some coriander powder, and saute the vegetables while stirring regularly till they soften. Add some water, if required. Keep the curry aside.
Step 8 - In an empty pan, heat some oil. Add fish heads, season with some salt and turmeric powder. Fry till brown. The cut them into small pieces and take them out of the pan.
Step 9 - Now, for the final part, saute some onion slices along with garlic. Add back cabbage curry and fish heads. Season with some more salt and sugar, and cook till fish heads turn soft.

Watch the full recipe video of Bengali-style gobhi curry:


(Also Read: Turn Simple Patta Gobhi (Cabbage) Ki Sabzi Into Keto-Friendly Dish With This Recipe)

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