Yoga For Diabetes: Yoga Asanas to Prevent or Control Diabetes

Yoga For Diabetes: Yoga Asanas to Prevent or Control Diabetes


  • Yoga has the ability to control and prevent diabetes
  • Five yoga postures are given which can be followed for diabetes
  • The flowering plant Vinca Rosea,has great medicinal benefits
Blood circulation is one of the most vital functions of the body. It is responsible for making all the organs work efficiently, thereby keeping a check on various diseases, including diabetes. Diabetes is a condition based on the response of blood cells to the insulin produced by the body. It is referred to as a lifestyle disease because in most cases, it occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle and improper diet.
Various studies have revealed that yoga has the ability to control and prevent diabetes; the twisting and stretching in many of the yoga postures tend to massage the pancreas and stimulate the production of insulin.According to Ajitsingh Tapasvi founder of Yogisthaan (Bangalore) , “Yoga helps in reformatting the system. It slowly affects the physical body with regular practice and dedication. Also, the flowering plant Vinca Rosea, also known as Sadabahar, has great medicinal benefits and is considered as one of the best treatments for diabetes. Take three to four leaves of Sadabahar and prepare a decoction along with honey.”Here are five yoga postures that you can follow to keep a check on diabetes  -1. Padottanasana  (Wide-Angle Standing Forward Bend)
This pose helps in stretching your back and the thighs while your legs are challenged to be strong. Padottanasana is known to calm the mind. It also relieves mild backache by stretching your spine, shoulder and chest. It's therefore no surprise that this asana is often used as a balm for frayed or anxious nerves.(Add nutrition boosters to your daily diet- Shop now!)

Instructions:1.Stand straight, place your legs 3-4 feet apart and stretch out your hands parallel to the ground. Now, with a flat back exhale forward, bring your palms to the floor under the shoulders.2. Pull your forehead down towards the floor. Press into the feet, lengthen the legs and press the hips up toward the ceiling.
3. Feel the spine being pulled in opposite directions as you press the head down and lift the hips up.4. Breathe and hold for 3-8 breaths.5. To release, reach the arms out to the sides and inhale back up into the starting pose.
2. Uttanasana  (Standing Forward Bend Pose)
This incredibly beneficial posture is both therapeutic and revitalising. In Uttanasana, your head is below your heart. This allows the unusual occasion for blood to rush to your head (rather than your feet), giving your cells a rejuvenating boost of oxygen. It strengthens the thighs and spine and provides flexibility. Uttanasana activates the abdominal muscle and improves digestion and eases symptoms of menopause, asthma, headaches and insomnia. It may lower high blood pressure and is therapeutic for infertility, osteoporosis, and sinusitis.

Instructions:1. Stand straight, start inhaling and raise your arms, taking them over your head.2. As you exhale, start bending forward and bring your arms down along with the torso so that they touch the floor.3. Now, take your hands behind your legs and join them together.
4. Remain in the position for 7-8 breaths.5. Now, bring your hands in the front and start getting up slowly.6. Keep your head down till you are completely straight.7. Repeat 4-5 times.
3. Trikonasana  (Triangle Pose)The Triangle Pose is very important for health and wellness. It has the ability to bring stability, strength and stamina in one’s life. Therapeutically, it is good for strengthening the core and legs. Trikosana helps in shedding extra fat from the various parts of the body i.e. stomach, hips, thighs and waist. It also eliminates aches and pains in the back, neck and the entire body. One of the great advantages of this yoga pose is that it can be practiced at any time or at any place.(For Diabetic friendly products, shop here!)

Instructions:1. Stand straight with 3-4 feet distance between your legs.2. Now, turn your left foot completely outside and the right foot less than 45 degree to the inside.3. Inhale deeply and raise your arms parallel to the ground with palms facing downwards.4. Exhale and turn torso to left with a bend at waist. Your left hand should now be touching your left ankle. You can also keep your palm on the floor. Your other hand should be straight pointing up at the ceiling.5. Keep both hands and legs firmly straight and avoid bending at elbows and knees.6. Hold this position for 5 to 10 breaths then change side.
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4. Dandasana  (Staff Pose)

Dandasana is also known as staff pose; it improves and teaches you to sit with correct posture. Practicing this regularly brings more flexibility in your hips and pelvis henceforth strengthening your spine and lower back.

Instructions:1. Sit on the floor with back straight and legs extended out in front of you. Your legs and feet should be hip width apart.2. Press the sitting bones in the floor and point the crown of your head to the ceiling to lengthen and straighten the spine.3. Flexing your feet, press out through your heels.4. Keep your palms on the floor adjacent to your hips for supporting your spine and relaxing your shoulders down. Keep your torso straight but relaxed.5. Ground your lower half firmly to the floor by relaxing the legs. Stay in the posture for 30 seconds.Disclaimer:The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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