How To Make Honey-Soaked Garlic: Luke Coutinho Shares Recipe, Benefits And More


Garlic is a storehouse of nutrients. When combined with honey, the benefits just doubles up. Find the recipe inside.

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How To Make Honey-Soaked Garlic: Luke Coutinho Shares Recipe, Benefits And More
This combination is deemed to strengthen immunity


  • Garlic is a storehouse of several healthy nutrients.
  • Luke Coutinho suggests combining garlic with honey for overall benefit.
  • He also shares when and how one should eat honey-soaked garlic.

Our pantry is a treasure-trove of health benefiting properties. From common spices to fruits and vegetables - our kitchen is loaded with ingredients that help us nourish every day. One such versatile ingredient is garlic (or lehsun). The pungent flavour and strong aroma make garlic a popular choice in the world of cooking. We love sneaking garlic in almost every dish possible - dal, sabzi, pizza, pasta and more. But if you thought garlic is credited just for its culinary versatility, then you are yet to be introduced to its pool of health benefits. Garlic is enriched with several essential nutrients and has been a part of traditional medicine for ages. Several health experts and nutritionists also recommend eating raw garlic the first thing in the morning for body's detoxification.

Life coach and celebrity Nutritionist Luke Coutinho recently took to his Instagram handle to share another healthy way to include raw garlic in our daily routine - its raw garlic, soaked in unpasteurised honey.

Health Benefits Of Honey-Soaked Garlic:

Garlic has always been touted an effective home remedy for weight loss, common cold, detoxification and more. When combined with honey (which is also known for its rich nutrient-profile), the benefits just double up instantly.

As per Luke Coutinho, honey-soaked garlic "is great for cold, cough, viral infections, liver function, immunity and your digestive system." He further states, "You can't go wrong with this age-old remedy."

How To Make Honey-Soaked Garlic | Garlic In Honey Recipe:


Step 1. Peel the garlic and chop it into two halves.

Step 2. Dunk it in raw, unpasteurised honey in an air-tight glass jar.


Step 3. Soak for a week.

Luke Coutinho also mentioned the dosage, "You can consume 1 piece a day." And if it causes a burning sensation after taking in an empty stomach, then the nutritionist suggests, "Have it post breakfast or dinner".


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