Scrambled, fried or simply boiled, eggs are always delicious. They are uncomplicated, and fulfilling, and have been considered man's best friend for aeons. Whether you are pressed for time, feeling lazy or want to go creative, you can always rely on an egg or two. But unfortunately, they come with their fair share of controversies as well. In fact, with so much information on the internet, our knowledge of eggs is ever-evolving, making it hard to differentiate between facts and fiction. One such ongoing debate is on the effects of eating too many eggs. While a section of people say it's okay to eat eggs, some advise putting a limit on your daily consumption. In this article, we delved in deep to dispel some misinformation regarding eggs. Let's take a closer look at it.
Can You Eat Eggs Every Day:
Eggs contain almost every essential nutrient our body needs for nourishment. From protein, fibre and healthy carbs to essential minerals and vitamins, you get it all in eggs. In fact, eggs make for a wholesome meal, providing enough energy to keep going for the whole day. But what we often forget is to burn the stored energy. As per health experts, it is important to consume carbs and calories, but it is equally important to burn them out. Stored energy increases oxidative stress, further affecting bodily functions. This is why, it is important to eat eggs in limit to make the most of its benefits.
Also Read: 7 Foolproof Hacks For Effortlessly Peeling Hard-Boiled Eggs
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What Happens When You Eat Too Many Eggs | Side Effects Of Eating Eggs In Excess:
1. You might end up consuming too much cholesterol.
Eggs contain cholesterol, which if taken within limit, can help promote overall health. However, a randomized controlled trial, published in the journal Nutrient, stated that subjects having egg-based breakfasts complained of increased cholesterol levels when compared to the ones having non-egg breakfasts. This means people with a history of high cholesterol levels should consult an expert before adding eggs to their diet.
2. Eggs may increase heart risks.
A study, published in the journal JAMA, found that consuming as little as even half an extra egg per day may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This left egg consumers confused about the right number of eggs one can consume in a day. This is where an expert comes into play as the limit of eggs might differ from person to person, as per their tolerance.
3. You might gain some weight.
Let's get it straight - Eggs are great for health if taken in the right quantity. Many people consume it in excess, especially the yolk, and later complain of weight gain. According to experts, egg yolk contains fat, which gets accumulated in the body, if not burnt at the right time.
4. Too many eggs may lead to digestive troubles.
Eggs are high in fibre and protein, which if taken in excess amounts, may lead to digestive troubles. You might experience unnecessary bloating, acidity and other such gut problems. Some might also suffer allergic reactions, with a continuous feeling of nausea.
How Many Eggs Are Not Too Many Eggs:
The definition of a balanced meal differs from person to person, as per their age, gender, medical history and tolerance. However, consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta states, that as part of a healthy balanced meal, consumption of one egg a day, three to four times a week is safe for adults. And children can easily consume one egg every day, without any worry. However, people with prior heart complaints or high cholesterol should limit their intake to three eggs a week.
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