Turning Vegan? 5 Easy Steps To Gradually Transform Your Plate And Lifestyle


Lifestyle and dietary changes can be hard, but with these easy tips, you can gradually embrace veganism.

Turning Vegan? 5 Easy Steps To Gradually Transform Your Plate And Lifestyle
Slowly transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can be a difficult but worth process.


  • Vegan lifestyle has been popularized in today's time.
  • Switching to a vegan lifestyle can be difficult but worth it.
  • Read on to know how to smoothen this process.

At a time when everybody is conscious about what they are consuming, Veganism has emerged as a healthy lifestyle option that many are turning to. Traditionally, Indian cuisine is rich in plant-based foods which might make it easier for you to make a lifestyle transition. Transitioning to veganism is more than just dietary change, it also involves mindful choices that are health and environmentally conscious. For some, it's easy, for others it's a process. Now whether you are looking for a new lifestyle or just exploring alternatives to meats, your decision will require some kind of roadmap to achieve desired results. For this, we can list 5 easy steps on how to gradually become a vegan, that can help smoothen your journey!  
Also Read: Vegan Recipes: Yasmin Karachiwala's "Vegan Flourless Brownie" Recipe Will Beat The Monday Blues

Understanding the concept behind veganism is the first step towards your journey.
Photo Credit: iStock

Here Are 5 Easy Steps To Gradually Adopt A Vegan Lifestyle

1. Educate and familiarise yourself 

The first step towards gradually adopting a vegan lifestyle is by educating yourself. Understand the logic behind the concept, ethical treatment of animals, environmental impact and potential health benefits behind plant-based lifestyle. Read and learn as much as you can with books, documentaries, and online resources which will help you develop a deeper understanding of veganism. This knowledge will not only make you committed to your change but also help you with informed dietary choices. 

2. Don't rush 

Good things take time. Taking small steps is essentially crucial to your gradual transition to veganism. You can start by allocating specific days each week just for plant-based food. From there, you can increase the frequency of your meals if you feel comfortable. This will help your body and taste buds to get immune to certain tastes and flavours, making the whole process more manageable.  

 3. Explore vegan food options 

After you introduce yourself to plant-based meals, try experimenting with food. Explore more plant-based options to your regular meats, dairy or animal products. You can try incorporating several products like tofu, legumes, tempeh, and plant-based milk into your diet to add some excitement to your lifestyle journey. This would not only diversify your diet but also help you find nutritious alternatives beneficial for your long run.
Also Read: Indian Cooking Tips: 4 Desi Vegan Recipes That Will Tug At Your Heartstrings


Start with whole foods before switching to a vegan diet.
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Focus on whole foods 

If transitioning to a plant-based diet seems difficult in the beginning, try relying on whole foods for some time. Focus on eating plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains which are rich in nutrients and provide you necessary energy, vitamins, and minerals for overall well-being. Gradually shift to a plant-based diet that will support your body's journey towards veganism. 


5. Join a Vegan Community 

Surround yourself with like-minded people. In order to change your lifestyle, you need examples, stories, and motivation for the best results. Join online and offline communities. Interacting with people who have the same dietary goals as yourself can provide advice, support and inspiration. You can learn how others made their lifestyle transition, share experiences, and exchange recipes to make your gradual transition to veganism more enjoyable! 

Is there any other tip that you would like to add to this list? Let us know in the comments below. 

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