Say Yes To Carbs! This Popular Instagram Fitness Expert Busts Common Diet Myths


Lucy Mountain, is an international fitness expert on Instagram and has her own handle on the social media platform wherein she debunks popular myths.

Say Yes To Carbs! This Popular Instagram Fitness Expert Busts Common Diet Myths
Fitness expert Lucy Mountain debunks popular food and fitness myths about diet.


  • Carbs aren't always bad, as revealed by international fitness expert
  • It's more about eating nutritious and balanced diet
  • The expert busts more such popular myths on her Instagram handle

When it comes to fitness and diets, we are always in a dilemma on whom to trust. Whether we should believe the so-called fitness experts who proclaim certain kinds of diets being superior to others, or fitness and health websites that prescribe a new food regime altogether? Whether we should trust scientifically proven studies and researches that reinstate common knowledge about food, or the sagacious advice that has been passed onto your family for generations? As such questions plague our mind - there is one international fitness expert who set the record straight once and for all. Lucy Mountain, who was earlier known as Fashion Fitness Foodie on Instagram, has her own handle on the social media platform wherein she debunks popular myths. She targets the most-commonly known fitness advice and busts these frequently heard dieting ideals.

(Also Read: 8 Common Dieting Mistakes That Are Keeping You from Losing Weight)

Lucy Mountain debunks popular myths related to fitness and diet. 

One of the most popular diet myths, that is, to cut down one's carbs is something which is highly recommended by most dieticians. Fitness expert Lucy Mountain, however, believes in something quite the opposite. She says that not all carbs are bad and they are unnecessarily antagonised by most fitness gurus. Mountain elaborates in one of her posts that high carb foods are just a category of foods that are less 'nutrient-dense' vis-a-vis their higher nutrient bearing counterparts. All foods have some amount of carbs or carbohydrates. So, the choice isn't between having carbs or cutting down completely - it's about making the food choice which is suited to your daily nutrient requirements.

In another one of her posts, she warned people not to blindly follow 'diet camps' such as that of intermittent fasting or calorie counting. Calories and counting calories, Lucy believes, is the worst thing you could do to yourself. Calling it the 'c-word', she warns against misuse of the term by diet experts to make you cut down on things you love eating.


(Also Read: Count your Calories: How Many Calories Do Bread, Rice and Other Every Day Foods Have?)

Lucy Mountain recommends against calorie counting.


The moral of the story, according to Lucy Mountain, is to just eat what you want to without bothering about the nutrient or calorie composition of each food. It is better to not hinder one's own tastes and preferences and enjoy eating whatever food one likes rather than killing oneself with guilt every time.

It's all about eating what you love to eat!


Whether or not you're following a diet, which includes the above-mentioned advices, eating what you love to eat is a theory that truly hits home. It's more about getting the right nutrition through a variety of sources than eating the same food again and again due lower calorie content. As a famous quote goes, there is no greater love than the love for food. Life is too short, so go ahead and enjoy your favourite dishes sans worry!

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