When you consume a meal, you don't really measure the amount of calories that go into it. It is imperative for the ones who are looking to shed those extra kilos through cutting down on their diet. Some prefer spreading their calorie intake across three meals a day, while others like to spread it across five meals a day, which may include snacking in the morning and evening. But do you know how many calories should really go into each meal of the day? Or how should you ideally divide it to fulfill the day's requirement? We have unlocked all the answers for you that might help you to decide the number of calories you must eat in a day.According to our expert nutritionist Dr. Rupali Datta, "The total calorie intake for an average man and woman in a day is 2100 calories and 1900 calories respectively. This has been prescribed by the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN)."(Also read: How Many Calories do Bread, Rice and Other Every Day Foods Have?)

The total calorie intake for an average man and woman in a day is 2100 calories and 1900 calories
Ideally, a diet plan should be spread across the whole day and not just three meals; that is breakfast, lunch and dinner, as we tend to eat more, considering the huge gaps between the three meals. It is a general tendency to eat more after a gap of at least 4-5 hours. This might lead to poor digestion, bloating and other stomach issues. Therefore, it is imperative to nibble on something in between your main meals so you don't overeat.Most experts recommend five meals a day that may include light snacking. It is easy to divide the calories. Dr. Rupali helps us deconstruct the calorie intake that is recommended by the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN). NIN recommends dividing equal portion of calorie intake of the three main meals that is breakfast, lunch and dinner. For the three main meals, it would be two-fifth of the total calories you consume. For the snacks in the morning and evening, it should be one fifth of the total calories you consume.
NIN recommends dividing equal portion of calorie intake of the three main mealsBreakfast- For a woman, if 1900 calories are recommended, then 760 calories should be eaten. While, for a man, if 2100 calories are recommended, then 840 calories should be eaten.Mid snacking- For a woman, total calorie intake should be 380 calories, while for a man, it should be 420 calories.Lunch- For a woman, 760 calories is recommended and for a man, it should be 840 calories.Evening snacks- Similarly, for women, it should be 380 calories and for men, it should be 420 calories.Dinner- For women, 760 calories is recommended and for men, it should be 840 calories.You can alter your calorie intake accordingly, but divide it in the same way as it is given above. So, even if you are dieting, it would be easy to modify your diet accordingly without having to worry about excess calories.

The total calorie intake for an average man and woman in a day is 2100 calories and 1900 calories
Ideally, a diet plan should be spread across the whole day and not just three meals; that is breakfast, lunch and dinner, as we tend to eat more, considering the huge gaps between the three meals. It is a general tendency to eat more after a gap of at least 4-5 hours. This might lead to poor digestion, bloating and other stomach issues. Therefore, it is imperative to nibble on something in between your main meals so you don't overeat.Most experts recommend five meals a day that may include light snacking. It is easy to divide the calories. Dr. Rupali helps us deconstruct the calorie intake that is recommended by the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN). NIN recommends dividing equal portion of calorie intake of the three main meals that is breakfast, lunch and dinner. For the three main meals, it would be two-fifth of the total calories you consume. For the snacks in the morning and evening, it should be one fifth of the total calories you consume.

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