Viral Picture Of Cereal Box In 'Landscape Mode' Has Left Twitter Confused


Twitter users were surprised to see the photograph of cereal boxes in 'landscape mode' or horizontally aligned.

Viral Picture Of Cereal Box In 'Landscape Mode' Has Left Twitter Confused
This viral picture of cereal boxes has surprised the internet.


  • Cereal boxes are usually vertical in alignment everywhere
  • A recent Twitter post went viral showing horizontal cereal boxes
  • Take a look at how users reacted to the cereal in 'landscape mode'

When we visit a supermarket, there are certain things that our eyes are accustomed to seeing. Bottles of ketchup, sachets of dals or boxes of cereal - each one is ingrained in our visual memory. However, one Twitter user was quite surprised to see something unusual at his supermarket visit. The user went to the cereal aisle to find the usual vertically aligned boxes of cereal in 'landscape mode', i.e redesigned to be aligned horizontally. Take a look at the picture she shared:

The photo was posted on Twitter by @lauralexx, where it received over 370k likes and counting. "When did cereal go landscape," asked the user in the caption. The viral picture was also retweeted over 48k times and garnered over 1.3k comments too.

In the viral picture, we could see cereal boxes stacked on the shelf of a supermarket. There were choices of crunchy rice crispies, cornflakes, cocoa pops etc in the cereal box aisle. While 2-3 boxes on the left side were regular ones, the remaining 4-5 cereals were actually quite different and unique due to the orientation of the box.

Twitter users were quite disturbed to see the bizarre picture of the viral 'landscape mode' cereal boxes. Some thought it was just an experiment in marketing, while others couldn't understand how cereal would be poured from these giant boxes. A few users also explained that these boxes were designed according to the space requirements of certain supermarkets and stores.

Take a look at the best reactions to the viral picture:


(Also Read: 'Too Much To Handle': Froot Loop Cereal As Pizza Topping Shocks Twitter)

What did you think of the viral picture of the cereal boxes in landscape mode? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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