Immunity-Boosting Ukado Recipe: This Gujarati Herbal Tea May Help Soothe Sore Throat


Ukado recipe may vary from person to person. It is a healthy concoction of herbs and spices that help benefit overall health.

Immunity-Boosting Ukado Recipe: This Gujarati Herbal Tea May Help Soothe Sore Throat
Ukado can be a healthy replacement for regular tea


  • Winter brings along cold, cough, sore throat and several seasonal disease
  • Adding healthy ingredients to your diet is important to prevent flu
  • We bring Ukado recipe- Gujarati kadha/herbal tea- to boost immunity

Winter is finally in full swing. it's that time of the year when we let our hair down and simply indulge. Almost all of us go on a festive mode in this nippy weather. Amidst all these, we often ignore the health issues winter brings along. From cold and cough to sore throat, we suffer from several seasonal health issues during this time. Hence, health experts always stress upon boosting immunity to prevent these viral and bacterial attacks. And one of the best ways to do so is by including healthy foods to your winter diet that will keep you warm from within. Few such amazing foods are ginger, jaggery, sesame seeds, peanuts and various kitchen spices. You can prepare kadha or herbal tea with these ingredients to keep seasonal flu and cold at bay.

We bring you a herbal concoction that makes for a popular Gujarati drink during the winters - it is called ukado. Ukado is basically a kadha made with different herbs and spices and is loaded with several essential nutrients. An ideal replacement for regular tea, Ukado recipe has several variations. While some prefer preparing it with milk, others avoid adding milk to the drink. You may also include or exclude herbs of your choice. In fact, every Gujarati household has its unique ukado recipe.

In this particular recipe, we included ginger, turmeric, mint, lemon and some healthy spices and brewed them well in boiling water. This drink will not only help boost immunity but also ward off cough and soothe a sore throat. We also used honey to add some sweetness to the dish. However, you may replace honey with jaggery syrup to make it more winter-friendly.

Also Read: 

Kadha or herbal tea can be a healthier alternative to tea


Immunity-Boosting Recipe: Here's The Recipe For Ukado - Gurajati Herbal Tea (Kadha):


1 cinnamon stick


4-5 black peppercorn

3-4 cloves


5-6 mint leaves

1 teaspoon honey


Half-inch raw turmeric

Half-inch raw ginger


Juice of half/one lemon

1 cup of water


Grate the raw turmeric and ginger. Keep aside.

Boil 1 cup water and add grated ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper and cloves in it. Boil everything for 4-5 minutes.

Now, switch off the flame and add crushed mint leaves, lemon juice and mix. Close the lid and let it infuse for some time.

Strain it, add some honey and take a sip.

Happy Winters!

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