5 Ingenious Ways to Cook With Vegetable and Fruit Peels


You can not only use these leftovers in the kitchen for various things but also cook with them. So, don't just throw them away yet. We give you some ingenious ways to cook these peels and turn them into delicious treats.

5 Ingenious Ways to Cook With Vegetable and Fruit Peels


  • It is a known fact that vegetables and fruits are healthy foods
  • They are not only tasty but also provide us with important nutrients
  • It is a common practice to throw away the peels or outer covering
It is a known fact that vegetables and fruits are healthy foods and should be included in our daily diet. They are not only tasty but also provide us with important nutrients on a daily basis. While experts advise that all parts of fresh fruits and vegetables promote good health, it is a common practice to throw away the peels or outer covering of most fruits and vegetables. You may have not known this but the peels of some fruits and vegetables are edible and extremely nutritious. These leftover peels can be brought to a variety of uses in the kitchen. So, don't just throw them away yet. We give you some ingenious ways to cook with these peels and turn them into delicious treats.1. Potato peels
The best part about the humble potato is that it is extremely versatile. You can use potato peels to make some crisp chips. Soak them in the water for at least 20 minutes. Take them out and let them dry; once they are dried, add some seasoning like garlic powder, salt and pepper, red chilli powder or cayenne powder. If you wish to bake them, then drizzle some oil and bake them in a pre-heated oven. If you wish to fry them, just toss them in a pan full of pre-heated oil and voila! Your perfect evening snacks are ready to be devoured and of course, you didn't waste anything!
The best part about the humble potato is that it is extremely versatile​
2. Orange peelsOrange peels are known to keep your skin healthy and so you will find them being used in a variety of face packs. You don't have to throw them away in any case. Just use the tangy and slightly bitter orange peels to flavor cakes and desserts, or use them to add a sour tinge to your cocktails. You can also make candied orange peels. All you would need to do is to place the strips of orange peel in a saucepan filled with water and bring it to boil. Now, drain the water from the peels. In a small saucepan, mix together sugar and water and bring it to boil until it turns sticky. Add the peels and cook for at least 45 minutes, until the peels become translucent. Drain any extra amount of syrup from the peels and set them aside to cool. Store these in an air-tight container and eat them whenever you like. A similar process can be followed for lemon peels too.
Orange peels are known to keep your skin healthy and so they are often used in various face packs​
3. Apple peelsApple peels could be used in making apple jams or jelly. Apart from this, have you ever thought of adding apple peels to your tea? You should. You can also boil the peels with your green or black tea to enhance the flavour. So, if you wish to make you own apple-peel tea at home, all you need to do is to add apple peels in at least two cups of water and bring it to boil until the water takes away all the goodness from the peels. Remove the peels from the water. You can add cinnamon powder, cardamom or cloves in it and along with them add honey and lemon to enhance the flavour. The mild taste of the spices along with the fruity flavour makes for a very soothing and comforting hot drink.
Apple peels can be used in making apple jams or jelly​
4. Carrot peelsYou can cook them into delicious fritters. All you need to do is mix flour, some spices and a beaten egg together. Smear the carrot peels with this mixture and deep fry them to make crunchy fritters that you can enjoy with your evening cup of tea or coffee.
You can cook carrot peels into delicious fritters​
5. Lemon peelsLemon peels can be used to make zesty seasonings. Take the peels and scrape them in a bowl and add black pepper and mix it well. Now, spread it out on a baking tray and bake it at the lowest temperature. The idea is to dry them out. Once baked, grind them and add some salt in the process. You can even add some other dried herbs and spices if you like and your seasoning will be ready. Add it in your soups, broths, stews, or any curry dish to enhance the flavour.
Lemon peels can be used to make zesty seasonings
The idea of using the peels is to dig out all the goodness from them and not waste any of it. So, go ahead and use them in the best way possible.
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