5 Yummy Ways To Add Flaxseeds To Your Diet


Flaxseeds are a powerhouse of various essential nutrients that can prove to be quite beneficial for our overall health. These wonder seeds might look small but are packed with a host of health benefitting properties.

5 Yummy Ways To Add Flaxseeds To Your Diet


  • Flaxseeds are a powerhouse of various essential nutrients
  • Flaxseeds are a rich source of fibre, protein, magnesium and calcium
  • Flaxseeds have an earthy and distinct taste
Flaxseeds are a powerhouse of various essential nutrients that can prove to be quite beneficial for our overall health. These wonder seeds might look small but are packed with a host of health benefitting properties. They are a rich source of fibre, protein, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, lignan among other nutrients and minerals. Apart from this, flaxseeds are also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that have the ability to improve the skin and hair health to a considerable extent. Flaxseeds have an earthy and distinct taste. If you can't have flaxseeds in raw form, then there are other ways as well in which you can add this wonder food to your daily diet. Read on to know more about them.1. Parfaits: Add healthy flaxseeds to your bowl of parfaits. All you need is some yogurt, fruits, and flaxseeds. Combine them together for a delicious yet healthy parfait. Apart from providing you with essential nutrients, this healthy parfait will also keep you satiated for the entire day.

Healthy parfait will also keep you satiated for the entire day. Photo Credit: iStock

2. Soups: We all garnish our soups with delicious toppings like bread crumbs or cream but instead of garnishing with these ingredients, start adding flaxseeds to your soup. Doing so will not only increase the nutritional value of the appetizer but will also enhance the soup's taste by giving a nutty crunch.
Start adding flaxseeds to your soup3. Muffins/Cakes: While baking muffins, cookies or cakes, start replacing dry fruits with flaxseeds to give your dessert a more healthy yet tasty touch.
Start replacing dry fruits with flaxseeds​4. Ice creams: Take a teaspoon of flaxseeds and sprinkle over your ice cream for an enhanced flavour and taste.

Sprinkle flaxseeds over your ice cream. Photo Credit: NDTV Beeps

5. Chicken Nuggets: While preparing chicken nuggets, coat the nuggets with flaxseeds instead of breadcrumbs and bake as per your preference. The nutty texture of the flaxseeds will add a unique crunch to the chicken recipe.

The nutty texture of the flaxseeds will add a unique crunch to the chicken recipe.
So what are you waiting for? Try these healthy yet delicious variations of flaxseeds right away.
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