Winter season is finally drawing to a close, and it is probably the best time of the year in terms of weather as we welcome spring with open arms. The biting cold temperatures give way to bright sunshine, while the breezy winds calm down and cool our senses. Although this weather transition is very welcome, our body can be susceptible to infections during this period. Immunity is at an all-time low and we often catch a cold or 'spring fever' during this season. Luckily, there are some healthy foods that can be added to the diet to boost immunity and keep diseases at bay. Spring is the season of colour - in terms of flora, fauna and even food! Here are some foods that will let you 'eat the rainbow' and give a boost to your immune health.
Here Are 7 Foods That May Help Boost Immunity During Spring Season:
1. Spinach
Palak or spinach is one of the vegetables that has been part of our diet since times immemorial. But its role in boosting immunity during spring is quite understated. Spinach is enriched with nutrients such as Vitamin A, C and K as well as antioxidants that can help the body fight diseases more effectively.
Also Read: 15 Healthy Spinach Recipes | Palak Recipes
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2. Oranges
The more citrus, the merrier! Orange is a powerhouse of Vitamin C and other phytonutrients and active compounds. Even a single orange a day will amp up your immunity and keep you in good shape.
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3. Strawberries
Juicy and fresh, strawberries are one of our favourite fruits for the spring season. The bonus? They are excellent sources of Vitamin C and antioxidants that can give your immune system a much-needed boost during the weather transition.
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4. Ginger
Ginger is known to be anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory in nature. This is one food you can definitely eat for spring immunity. A shot of ginger juice will not just soothe your throat and relieve congestion, but also keep up the immune health quotient.
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5. Mushrooms
Did you know mushrooms can also have a positive effect on immunity? Whether you consume it in the form of mushroom soup or a mushroom stir-fry, it is loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals. It is also loaded with Vitamin D.
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6. Beetroot
The brightly-hued beetroot is loaded with fibre, antioxidants and Vitamin C that can provide an excellent boost to immunity. Add it to your spring diet and see the difference in your health!
Also Read: 11 Most Cooked Beetroot Recipes | Popular Beetroot Recipes
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7. Curd
Believe it or not, fermented foods like curd or yogurt could actually help in disease prevention. They provide our gut with some excellent probiotic bacteria, and a healthy gut is key to healthy immunity! Further, curd also keeps our system clean and in good shape.
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Stay happy, stay healthy!