What is the key to healthy living? The most common answer to that is healthy diet. Eating right kind of food at the right time help you go a longer way. This brings up a question, what is right kind of food?! According to health experts, right kind of food is a diet that provides our body with every essential nutrient including protein, micro and macronutrients, fluid, fibre et al. These factors further help maintain and improve our overall health. The World Health Organisation states that healthy diet helps protect us against several "chronic non-communicable diseases" like diabetes, cancer and others. "Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet," an article on WHO official website reads.
What does a healthy diet comprise? WHO explains, a healthy diet includes a "combination of different foods". These include cereals, starchy tubers, legumes, fruits, vegetables, foods from animal sources (meats, eggs, milk etc) and more. While almost all of us are well aware these sources, but do you know the right order of eating these foods? You heard us. Eating food in right order is equally important as eating right kind of food. Wondering what the right order is? Celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra has the answer to that. She recently took to Instagram to share a short video explaining the order in the easiest way - it's veggies, then protein and fat and finally starch. Watch the video here:
(Also Read: Should You Eat Fruits Before Or After A Meal?)
"Have you ever watched someone eat food off their plate in a particular order-tucking into their veggies first, then moving onto the protein part before even touching their side of rice- and think they've got some bizarre eating ritual? Possible, but it's also likely they're timing their carb consumption, which, according to a study helps control blood sugar which in turn helps you maintain your weight. So, the hierarchy in which the food plate is consumed has a big role in determining the post-meal glucose and insulin level," she explains in the post.
Nutritionist Lovneet Batra further states that starting a meal by eating vegetables and protein, and finishing it with carbohydrates helps keep a full for long. "This is because protein slows down the release of sugar from carbohydrates into the blood stream, preventing a sugar 'high' and then crash - and hunger pangs," she adds.
Now that you have got the trick to eat food the right way, we suggest, apply it in your daily life and make your diet a healthy one. Eat healthy, stay fit!