Whip Up Perfect Hara Bhara Kebabs At Home! 4 Easy Ways To Prepare Them


Hara bhara kebabs are loved for their soft and succulent texture. Learn how to make them perfectly by utilising any of these four cooking methods.

Whip Up Perfect Hara Bhara Kebabs At Home! 4 Easy Ways To Prepare Them
Different ways to prepare hara bhara kebab.


  • Hara bhara kebabs are a favourite snack among vegetarians.
  • You can make them at home using various cooking methods.
  • Read on to discover how to make them perfectly at home.

Hara bhara kebabs are an absolute favourite among vegetarians. They are loved for their soft and succulent texture, and one can never get tired of eating them. This snack is ideal for serving at dinner parties and enjoying it with your evening cup of chai. They not only taste delicious, but they are also quite nutritious. As the name suggests, these kebabs are hara (green) in colour, which signifies they are made with a variety of different greens. If you're a fan of hara bhara kebabs, this article will be of interest to you. We'll be sharing not one, but four fantastic different ways to make this delightful snack. Without further ado, let's learn how to make them perfectly.
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Cooking Tips: Here Are 4 Different Ways To Cook Hara Bhara Kebab:

1. Kadhai

The most common way to cook hara bhara kebabs is in a kadhai. It is filled with oil, and the kebabs are deep-fried in it to give them their distinct crispy texture. While following this method, keep the flame on low-medium to ensure even cooking. Once done, transfer the kebabs to a plate lined with tissue paper to remove excess oil. This step is crucial, or else your hara bhara kebabs will become soggy quickly. Deep-frying certainly gives you the desired results but may not be suitable for everyone due to the excess use of oil.

2. Pan

If you wish to minimise the use of oil, consider using a pan to cook your hara bhara kebabs. This method of cooking is called pan-frying, and it reduces the amount of oil used drastically. All you need to do is drizzle some oil over the pan and evenly arrange the kebabs on it. Let them cook from one side, and then flip and cook from the other. You're still using oil, but the amount is far less than what is required in the traditional deep-frying method. This helps reduce its calorie count, ensuring that you can enjoy the kebabs with less guilt.

3. Oven

If you wish to eliminate oil completely, you can rely on your trusty oven. At first, it may sound challenging to prepare hara bhara kebabs with no oil at all. But trust us, it's quite simple, and the results are wonderful. An important thing to keep in mind while following this method is to always preheat your oven. You must also not crowd the baking tray with too many kebabs, or else they'll end up sticking to each other. You can brush a small amount of oil on the tray to prevent this, but not anymore, or else it'll defeat the purpose.
Also Read: Make Your Snack Time Healthier With High-Fibre, High-Protein Broccoli Kebab

4. Air Fryer

Yes, you can prepare hara bhara kebabs in an air fryer as well. It's an excellent method to cut down on calories, making it ideal for those trying to eat healthy. Here too, you must preheat the air fryer first before starting the cooking process. This ensures even cooking and a perfectly crispy texture. Brush some oil in the air fryer basket and arrange the hara bhara kebabs evenly in it. Air fry it for about 10 minutes and then enjoy. If you wish to try making this snack in an air fryer, here's an easy recipe to get you started.


Making hara bhara kebabs at home is not as difficult as it seems. You can rely on any of these methods to make them perfectly and enjoy them for your next snacking session.

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