Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Shares 3 Traditional Foods To Stay Cool This Summer


Are you finding the summer heat unbearable? Consume these 3 foods and drinks to help you stay cool and hydrated.

Celebrity Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar Shares 3 Traditional Foods To Stay Cool This Summer
Including these foods in your daily summer diet can help you feel cool, according to the nutritionist.


  • Beat the heat with these local summer foods.
  • Rujuta Diwekar has shared these foods on her Instagram handle.
  • Read on to learn more on how to keep yourselves cool.

Many of us struggle to keep ourselves cool in the summer. Being all sticky, sweaty, and hot, getting even our daily tasks done becomes a challenge. Furthermore, it is practically impossible and generally not encouraged to spend all your time sitting indoors with the air conditioner working. So how do we keep cool? In a recent Instagram post, celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar has talked about 3 local, seasonal, and traditional foods that will help you feel cooler without feeling the need to switch on the AC all the time. Additionally, regular consumption of these foods will help prevent acidity, bloating, headache, fatigue, indigestion, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite.

Here Are 3 Delicious Ways to Beat the Heat as Shared by Rujuta Diwekar:

1. A Hyper-Local Fruit in Mid-Morning

Include a regional, local fruit in your diet, one which has a name in your local language. Diwekar gave the example of an ice apple (called tadgola in Maharashtra or Galeli in Gujarat). The nutritionist adds, "In case this fruit is not available in your region, you can consume any other similar seasonal fruit like mulberry (shehtoot), egg fruit (canistel), or any other local berries that are especially available in summer. These are rich in antioxidants, have a sweet flavour, and most importantly, burst with juice as soon as you take a bite." Sharing the benefits, she adds that eating such fruits "will help you keep your gut and mind cool and calm."

2. Dahi-Rice for Lunch (With Pickle or Papad)

Many people lose their appetite for lunch during the summer because of the heat. Cooking in the kitchen during summer isn't easy either. Diwekar advises cooking rice in the morning while preparing breakfast. This rice will cool down by lunchtime. Now during lunchtime, have this rice and mix it with curd using your hands. Add a little salt to enhance the flavour. She explains, "Dahi-rice is a good mixture of prebiotic and probiotic. This will line up your intestine, allow the intestinal mucus to thrive, you will feel good, your appetite will return, and you will not have fatigue, irritability, or random sugar or salt cravings." You can also eat some pickle or papad along with this meal.
Also Read: Love Curd Rice In Summer? 5 Fun Ways To Make It More Interesting And Delicious

3. Gulkand Water at Bedtime

Diwekar says, "This is something which will help you reduce acidity, improve sleep quality, keep the stomach cool, reduce leg cramps, reduce eye fatigue." Mix a teaspoon of gulkand in water and sip it after dinner or before going to bed. The drink may not "look" very good, she notes, but tastes delicious and has multiple health benefits. Diwekar adds, "Drinking this will help you feel relaxed, and you will not need to watch something on a screen to unwind. The amazing fragrance of roses would be enough to help you relax." Don't forget to chew on the gulkand rose petals in the end after finishing your drink.
Also Read: Why You Must Start Every Meal With A Plateful Of Veggies - Biochemist Explains


Include these foods in your daily summer diet from today which will help you feel cool, calm, and refreshed enough to beat the summer heat.

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