How Much Vitamin C Should You Take? Study Reveals


As per the researchers, the current standard for daily vitamin C requirement in our body is based on decades of studies during the World War II.

How Much Vitamin C Should You Take? Study Reveals
We listed 5 fruits and vegetables that are loaded with vitamin C

The importance of Vitamin C needs no separate introduction. A water-soluble vitamin, it helps flush out toxins, aid metabolism, promote weight loss and most importantly, helps immune and nourish us from within. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), on an average, a person needs 45 milligrams of vitamin C per day. Deficiency of vitamin C may lead to health problems like scurvy - a condition caused by a severe lack of vitamin C in the diet. But a recent study by researchers at the University of Washington states "WHO's recommendation (of vitamin C) is too low to prevent weak scar strength". The findings were published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

As per the researchers, the current standard for daily vitamin C requirement in our body is based on decades of studies during the World War II. For the current study, they tracked down the old data of the earlier studies and reviewed each of them. Those data were put "through modern statistical techniques designed to handle small sample sizes, techniques not available to the original scientists," read a report on the official website of University of Washington.

Philippe Hujoel, lead author of the new analysis found that there might be a misleading narrative on the vitamin C needs for the prevention and treatment of collagen-related pathologies.

Also Read: 

Vitamin C is loaded with antioxidants that help flush out toxins from body


"Robust parametric analyses of the (Sorby) trial data reveal that an average daily vitamin C intake of 95 mg is required to prevent weak scar strength for 97.5% of the population. Such a vitamin C intake is more than double the daily 45 mg vitamin C intake recommended by the WHO but is consistent with the writing panels for the National Academy of Medicine and (other) countries," the researchers further stated.

Considering the above findings, we say, one must include adequate amount of vitamin C in their daily diet for overall goodness.


Here're 5 Fruits And Vegetables That Are Loaded With Vitamin C:

  • Amla
  • Lemon
  • Broccoli
  • Bell Pepper/Capsicum
  • Papaya (both raw and ripe)

Include these fruits and vegetables in your diet for overall goodness. But always remember, moderation is the key. Click here to know how much vitamin C is too much for us.

Note: The food suggestions are not a part of the study.

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